Boys At Camp | 15

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**Jake's POV** :)


"Uh, yeah." I said awkwardly. "I'm single." My gaze was on the floor as I was afraid to look at Jay, who was the definition of fucking hot. Seriously, like all of Elliot's friends were hot. It wasn't fair. All of them were lookin' like a damn snack and I'm just a plain little blonde kid who's got no meat on his bones.

Jay looked pretty toned, and anyone could tell by looking at him that he was gay. His hair was to die for, he had a really good sense in fashion, and his voice was more feminine than my little sister's. I know that those were just stereotypes, but it's one of those things where you'd have to be there to know how gay he really is.

I could see Jay's eyes light up at my answer, seemingly happy that I was indeed single. "So, how do you feel about guys?" He asked casually, continuing to work on Elliot's hair. "Uhh, I..." I sputtered, feeling a bit stupid. "Ignore him, Jake. He's just a sad and lonely gay kid." Elliot said, scowling when Jay flicked him in the head.

"It's true. You've been single for like, ever." He said, smiling slightly. "Well, you rejected me when I first asked you out, so..." Jay shrugged. But this caught Liam's attention, who was suddenly interested in the conversation. "You what?" He said, raising an eyebrow at Jay. "I asked him out a few months back, before you two got together. Nothin' to worry about, though. He didn't want to tap all this." Jay said, gesturing at his body.

"Hey, I'd tap that, but it would just be a one-time-thing-no-strings-attached ordeal." He shrugged, laughing slightly. But Liam didn't find it funny. In fact, he looked like he was fuming. "Um, a-are you okay?" I asked nervously, glancing over at Liam, who's face was red with anger.

"Elliot, you don't say things like that when you're in a relationship." He said, attempting to control his temper. "I'm just telling the truth. Jay's hot, you should try him, Jake." He shrugged casually, a small smile playing on his lips. Liam rolled his eyes and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest childishly. "Are you almost done?" He groaned, glaring at Jay and Elliot.

"Yeah." Jay said, putting something on Elliot's head so that the fresh dye could dry. "Finally." Liam said, standing up and marching over to Elliot, who still held a smirk on his face. But I wasn't paying attention to him, I was paying attention to the hunk that way eye raping me. "Uh, w-what are you doing?" I asked reluctantly, raising an eyebrow at Jay, who was stepping closer and closer to me.

"I'm just seeing what you look like up close." He shrugged, a cute crooked smile on his face. I smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck, my ears red with embarrassment. I'd never had someone think I was attractive, really. "You're cute. We should hang out sometime." Jay said, pulling out a small notebook and jotting something down.

He ripped off the piece of paper and handed it to me. On the paper there was a phone number written sloppily, with a heart written at the bottom of the torn off page. I glanced up and Jay was smirking at me, then walked back over to Liam and Elliot, who were still bickering about something.

He began chatting with them and I lost track of time, and eventually Elliot's hair was dry. "Welp, happy birthday, Elli. Gettin' hotter with every year." He said, smiling that crooked smile, which in an odd way, sent butterflies whirling in my stomach. "Thanks Jay. See ya' later." He said, giving a lazy wave as we left the small shop.

"So, you and Jay.." Elliot started, earning a glare from me. "Fuck off." I grumbled. Liam and Elliot gasped, not used to my profanity apparently. "Oh my god, that's like the first time I've ever heard you cuss." Elliot said, his eyes wide in surprise. "Yeah, well get used to it." I said, trying to sound confident while furrowing my eyebrows in annoyance.

The two of them just laughed, clutching onto their sides. "Ah, that's a good one." Liam said, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Screw you guys." I said, pulling on the car door handle. But I forgot that the door was locked and flung forward, hitting my head on the window. That sent them into another fit of laughter, making me glare at them again.

Stupid assholes keep laughing at me. Well I'll show them when I get a man like Jay, he's sexy as hell. Liam unlocked the car after he and Elliot quit laughing and I plopped down in the backseat, my arms crossed over my chest. I huffed when Elliot chuckled at me again, which just made him start laughing again.

"God, I can't take you seriously. You're just so innocent looking, it's crippling." He said, turning back around as Liam pulled out of the parking lot. "Shut up." I grumbled, taking my phone out of my pocket to occupy myself. After what felt like an hour but was only minutes, we finally arrived back at camp. I personally liked my old camp better, Camp Clear Lake, but it got flooded from a shit ton of rain.

And that sucked because there weren't as many kids there, which I preferred over Camp Joesph. What the hell kind of camp name is that, anyway? Who names their camp after their first damn name? That's just stupid! Once Liam had parked the car we all three got out, then I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time.

It was about 1 o'clock, which meant that everyone would be at the cafeteria. We hurried through the campgrounds and made it back to the cafeteria, opening the doors and heading inside. But Chase and Nate were nowhere to be found. "Hm, maybe they ate lunch early?" Elliot thought aloud, walking over towards the lunch line.

"Maybe." Liam shrugged, grabbing a tray and letting the workers put burgers and fries on them. I got a whiff of the food and my stomach grumbled. I hadn't realized how hungry I'd really gotten. And damn them burgers smelled good. We all went and sat down at our table, digging into our food hungrily.

Apparently the others had gotten pretty hungry, too. "Damn thif food ith gud." Liam said with his mouth stuffed with fries not even noticing the food falling out of his mouth. "You got a little, everything." Elliot said, gesturing at the food all over Liam's face and shirt. "Shit, this is my good shirt!" Liam yelled once he'd swallowed his food down.

"It's your own fault. You're the one that talked with your mouth full." Elliot shrugged, earning a glare from Liam. "Shut up. This shirt was expensive." He said, grabbing a napkin and rubbing at the ketchup stain on his gray shirt. "Your dad paid for it, anyway. It's not like you invested your life savings into that polo." Elliot said, snickering at Liam.

"You two act like an old married couple." I sighed, chuckling at them. "Shut up." They said in unison, then turned and glared at each other. It kinda creeped me out how alike they acted. "Whatever." Liam grumbled, pushing his empty tray away. I pushed my tray away as well as we waited for Elliot to finish eating.

Once Elliot was done we all got up and dumped our trays, then headed back to the cabin to see what Chase and Nate were up to.


Oh my Jesus I wonder what Chase and Nate are up to.. Lol vote and comment love ya fam :]

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