Boys At Camp | 7

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Sorry for not updating as much recently. Basketball practice has been making me sore (i'm out of shape, lol) so all I want to do is lay in bed. Also, I've been stressed about my classes (i just started 7th grade) and I don't want to get behind, so I have to keep up with my homework. But I'll try to update as much as I can. Ok, now here's the chapter. <3


I headed back to the cabins, taking slow strides as I walked, enjoying the peaceful night. I made it to the cabin and swung the door open, waltzing in and plopping down face first on my bed. I suddenly felt tired and threw the covers over my body, not even bothering to change out of my clothes. I just closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

I woke up to a loud 'bang' sound. I slowly peeled my eyes open and saw Nate lying on the floor, looking miserable. "Was that necessary!?" He yelled, glaring at Chase. "You wouldn't wake up." He said with a shrug, tugging his shirt off. I glanced at his stomach and felt eyes on me. I turned my head and saw Liam looking at me, with something I couldn't quite pinpoint in his eyes, but looked kind of like jealousy?

I shrugged it off and got out of bed, heading into the bathroom. I stripped down and turned the shower on, forgetting to lock the door. Before I could step into the shower, the door swung open. My eyes widened when I realized it was Liam, who instantly turned beet red. "Shit! Sorry!" He yelled, immediately shutting the door.

I flushed a bright crimson and jumped in the shower, quickly washing my hair and body. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, then walked back into the bedroom. Liam was gone and Nate and Chase stood there, getting dressed. "So Liam walked in on you naked?" Chase said, snickering at me.

"Shut up, it's not funny." I said, pushing my rainbow locks out of my eyes. "It's very funny, actually." Nate said, beginning to laugh hysterically. "Asses." I grumbled, changing into some clean clothes. "So what are we doing today?" I asked once I'd changed into some clean skinnies and a tee shirt.

"I think Joseph said something about zip lining." Nate shrugged, pulling on a Hawaiian shirt. "Dude, that shirt is a crime against fashion." I said, sticking my tongue out in distaste. "And your hair is gay. These are things we know. And this is my only clean shirt left." He said, laughing slightly. "You need to go clothes shopping." I sighed, shaking my head at his ugly shirt.

"You can't really talk, Elliot. Your wardrobe consists of only skinny jeans and band tees." Chase said, changing into a long sleeve shirt that hugged his figure just right. "True, but I could easily change my style if I wanted to. I just like the basic emo vibe." I shrugged, heading back into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth and went back into the bedroom, leaving for breakfast with Chase and Nate.

"I'm hungry enough to eat a cow." I sighed, pushing my hair out of my eyes. "I do not understand how he stays skinny.." Chase said, poking me in the stomach. "Hey, I stay in shape..." I said. "To some extent." "You've probably done about ten sit ups in your entire life." Nate said, snickering at my out of shape self.

"Hey, stop mocking me. Bitch, do you have abs?" I asked. Nate raised his shirt to reveal that he did in fact have abs. "Well damnit. I was gonna try to roast you." I said with a dramatic sigh. "Nice try." He said, patting my shoulder sympathetically. "Than- wait a minute, screw you." I said pushing him away lightly, a smile adorning my face.

"Let's just get some food you retards." Chase said, shaking his head and laughing at us. "Stop bullying me." I said with a pout, holding my chest in fake hurt. "Then stop being stupid." He said, sticking his tongue out at me. "Touché." I replied, following them to the cafeteria. "What's for breakfast, Joseph?" Nate asked once we were in the cafeteria.

"Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits." He said. We nodded our heads and grabbed our trays, letting the workers pile food onto them. "Thank you." I said, smiling at the worker. I raised my head and saw Liam working behind the counter. I coughed awkwardly and quickly went to sit down at our table, pretending to not notice Liam looking at me.

"Damn, you look like you've just seen a ghost." Chase said, plopping down next to me. "Even worse. I saw Liam." I groaned, hitting my head on the table multiple times. "Cheer up, yeah? I'm sure the awkwardness will be gone in a couple days." Nate said, nudging my arm. "Hopefully." I mumbled, taking a bite of my biscuit.

We finished our breakfast and headed outside with everyone else, waiting for Joseph to announce what we were doing. "Okay everybody, today we're gonna do zip lining." Joseph announced, motioning for us to follow him. We followed him to a clearing in the forest where a zip line was set up.

It didn't look too bad, just like it might break while we're riding across the lake. A couple brave souls decided to be the first to try it and stepped up. The workers helped set up the first guy and he took off, flying across the lake. "Damn." I said, my eyes widening. "You're next, Elliot." Chase said, pushing me to the front of the line.

I sighed loudly and let them set me up on the zip line. I looked over the lake and gulped. It was still a little foggy out, and the sky was cloudy. It was a little hard to see. I was kinda scared I was gonna fall but the zip line seemed pretty secure, so I jumped for it. I held onto the strap tightly as I sped over the lake, feeling the adrenaline rush take over.

"THIS. IS. AWESOME!" I yelled, even though I knew no one could hear me. I could feel the wind nipping at my face, and just as fast as it started, it was over. I came over to the other end of the zip line and the guy unhooked the strap, allowing me a lot more comfort. I stood next to the other guy and he glared at me.

I realized that it was the guy I had purposely pissed off during the basketball game. I slowly backed away from him and sat on the worker's chair, tapping my foot anxiously. "Will you fucking stop!?" The guy yelled, narrowing his green orbs at me. I flipped him off and then noticed that this guys was a lot bigger than me, so I was probably about to get my ass kicked.

Before the guy could touch me, Liam got off the zip line and walked over to me. "Hey Elliot, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked, nudging his head towards the woods. I nodded and followed him into the woods, hoping hat he knew his way around. "So about this morning..." He started, seemingly uncomfortable.

"Liam, it's fine, really." I said, but I could still feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "Yeah, but I should've knocked and-" I grabbed Liam's shoulder to stop his pacing and he immediately shut up. Our eyes locked and Liam leaned in. I found myself also leaning in and we kissed. It was rough and wanted, but it felt good and I didn't want it to end. I pushed Liam back into a tree and pinned his arms there, biting his bottom lip slightly.

He opened his mouth and gave me access as our tongues rubbed together. Liam flipped us over to where he had me pinned and kissed from my lips down to my jawline. He found my sweet spot and began sucking and biting at the skin, no doubt leaving a mark. "Easy there." I chuckled, but Liam just smirked and left more hickeys.

"Liam, are you out here?" I heard Joseph's voice call. We instantly pulled away and Liam yelled, "Yeah! I just took a walk to clear my head." Joseph replied but I wasn't listening. I was too confused. "C'mon, we should probably head back now." Liam said, heading back towards the camp. I nodded dumbly and followed after him, ruffling up my rainbow locks. What the hell just happened?

So what do you guys think so far? Let me know in the comments. Don't forget to vote, either! Thanks! :D

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