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“So what do you think of living here?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I did not want Ryder Rhodes lingering over the idea of me being like a kid sister.

He shrugged, nestling his chin against the pink noodle running under his propped arms. “I don’t know. It’s a lot like any other place.”

“What do you mean?”

Well,” he straightened, standing up and I realized we were in the shallow end. He stretched, lifting his arms high above his head before sinking onto one of the nearby steps. “I guess I’m used to moving. We’ll be here for a while, but then we’ll be moving on. Like always. Once you get used to leaving all the time, you learn to like what’s good while you’re there.”

“Or you don’t,” I said as my gaze landed on Hardyn.

Ryder laughed, brushing back his hair. “Or you don’t. I am worried he might end up screwing things up for all of us, but I guess it wouldn’t be so bad for me. Anyway, Nashville’s fine. For now.”

For the first time, I thought of how hard it would be to return to normal. It was only yesterday that I couldn’t imagine anything else. But as I floated and thought about returning to school and a normal life, it all of a sudden didn’t seem so great. But then, neither did this. I’m stuck, I thought. I’m stuck in between.

My curiosity was overcoming me. I wanted to see what would happen next. I wanted to see where the band would go. I smiled as Grady finally conquered the float, edging onto it from a spot on the side of the pool. I climbed aboard one myself, floating idly, one hand trailing in the water beside me as I tried to figure out what would make me happy. All my life I had known what I wanted and now, for the first time, I wasn’t so sure.

It was unsettling, to say the least.

                                                                           * * *

A scream tore through the air, startling me so badly that I sat straight up and was prompty ejected by my contrary float directly into the pool. Water clogged my ears and eyes, flooding my nose and choking me. I rose from the deep, coughing and choking.

Angry shouts filled the air and as I struggled to catch my breath and see once more, I listened.

“How dare you?” Hardyn screamed, his voice deep with rage.

“Come on,” Grady said. “It was a joke. He didn’t mean it.”

“We’ve been doing this the whole time. Just fooling around,” Ryder said. I struggled atop my float once more, still spluttering and dripping water.

“I wasn’t,” Hardyn said. I finally cleared the stinging water from my eyes, grateful that my contacts remained in place, and saw that Hardyn was bright red, his fists clenched at his side and his teeth gritted. “I wasn’t playing your stupid games.”

Water streamed off his hair. He was so red with fury, I half expected to see it turn to steam. I realized then what had happened. Ryder had flipped Hardyn’s float, sending him into the water.

I gulped, watching paralyzed from my own float as Hardyn lunged at Ryder, swinging his fist. Only the heavy weight of the water against him and Grady kept him from connecting.

“It was a joke,” Ryder said, disgusted. Cupping water in his hand, he poured it on his head, smoothing his hair back as he waded away.

“Joke?” Hardyn said. “Joke?” It was the only word he could get out past his fury. I sighed.

“Yeah, a joke.” Ryder hoisted himself up the side of the pool, turning as he sat on the edge so that he faced the other two. “Don’t be so sensitive.”

“I’m not sensitive,” Hardyn protested. Grady was continually speaking, trying to calm him. Hardyn jabbed his finger at Ryder, glaring at him with narrowed eyes. If looks could kill, Ryder would be dead. “You are a jerk. Just because your a movie star,” he said the last words mockingly, “doesn’t mean you can go around doing whatever you want. You’re not that big of a deal. I’m way more in demand than you are.”

“Oh, yeah, what happened to your last gig? Huh? Where’s your band right now?”

Hardyn broke away from Grady, pushing past him as he rushed towards Ryder. But Grady thought faster than Hardyn did and, diving under the water, he outpaced him and stopped him once more.

“What happened to yours?” Hardyn hissed as soon as he could speak once more. He was shaking from head to foot with rage.


“Where are all your movie deals, Ryder Rhodes? Where’s your television series? What, can’t get the parts any more?”

Ryder stared at him impassionately. It was chilling, the way he could mask any and all emotion. I felt as if I was looking at a mannequin instead of a living, breathing person with thoughts and feelings.

He opened his mouth to respond, but Grady held up one hand. “Just stop, both of you. There’s no point in this.”

“It’s not my fault,” Ryder exploded, bringing his hands to his chest.

“Who cares what you think anyway,” Hardyn sneered. “You’re a nobody. You and her both. And the only way you’re going to be a somebody, is if you ride our coattails. That’s why you want to keep the peace. Just long enough for you to get yours.”

I was shocked that someone would speak like that to my brother. Besides me, I mean. Even Ryder had a speculative look on his face, like he was beginning to believe Hardyn.

I think, right then, I was prouder of my brother than I had ever been. He didn’t get mad and he didn’t look hurt. He just stepped back, facing the both of them and calmly spoke.

“You’re right. I’m a nobody. And maybe I am just going to ride your coattails. Only time will tell. But like it or not, we are all under contract now. We can make this as miserable as possible and fight and argue the whole time or we can try to get along. We’re creating our own environment here. And I don’t want to be around a bunch of fighting and backstabbing. Let’s just try to get along. Okay?”

Both of them nodded. I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. Maybe, I thought, my brother is getting into the wrong field. I suddenly saw him in a different light. I knew exactly what he should do.

Maybe my brother should be a politician.

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