Pizza party

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Fifteen minutes later, twilight was falling. Shadows gathered underneath the shrubbery, emerging from their hiding places as the sun sank lower in the sky. I took a deep breath as a chilly wind swept over the bare skin of my arms and legs.

“Lindy! You coming?” Grady called as he hoisted himself from the pool.

“Coming where?” I asked. Water lapped at the edges of my float, tiny cold waves.

“We’re going to hang out at your house and order pizza,” Ryder said. Hardyn watched nearby, clutching the edges of the towel he had draped around his shoulders.

I nodded, slipping from the float into the pool in one smooth move. My breath caught in my throat. The water was freezing! I was shivering by the time I waded to the wide stairs at the shallow end of the pool.

The night air was cooler than I thought it would be. It seemed to have dropped ten degrees in as many minutes. Clutching my arms over my chest, I ran to the chair where I had left my towel, but it was gone.

“Grady,” I muttered. The boys were already halfway to the house and I ran to catch up, my wet feet slipping on the dewy grass.

The night air was heavy and close, smelling of summer grass and a haunting scent I couldn’t place. The voices of the boys became muffled as they entered the house, closing the door behind them, the curtain swishing against the glass.

“Wait!” I called, but it was too late. The orange rectangle of light streaming through the sliding glass doors promised warmth and safety and I began to run faster, my toes landing only fleetingly on the hard concrete, still hot from its day in the sun. An eerie feeling was pervading the darkening outdoors and I couldn’t wait to be inside.

Finally, I reached the door, propelling myself through it as quickly as I could. I felt as if all the ghosts of Nashville were on my heels and I slid the door shut quickly.

“Wow, Lindy,” Grady said from his spot near the refrigerator. He was pulling two liters from the fridge and placing them along the counter while Hardyn and Ryder searched the cabinets for glasses. He skirted the counter, pushing past me to pull back the curtain and peer outside. “What was chasing you?”

Hardyn and Ryder laughed and I glared at my brother as I turned bright red. He just stood there, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking. Water dripped from my hair, pooling on the tile at my feet.

“Nothing,” I protested. “I just….” I shrugged. “Didn’t appreciate you guys leaving me behind.”

“Sorry,” Ryder called as he pour the fizzing soda into a glass.

“Hmm,” Grady said. I knew he didn’t believe me. I had an overactive imagination, according to him and Mom. He’s going to say something else, I thought.

Then I noticed the very familiar towel around his waist and the tables turned.

“Hey!” I yelled as I jerked it free and held it up in one hand. “This was my towel! You took it.”

“Oh, sorry, Lindy, I didn’t know it was your exclusive towel.” Grady held up his hands as if he were guilty. Which he was.

“I brought it to the pool because I knew it was going to cool off,” I didn’t, “and then you took it. I was freezing!”

“What are you two shouting about?” Mom asked as she entered the kitchen, rubbing circles on her temples with her forefingers. “Lindy! You’re dripping all over the tile. Someone could break their neck….” Her voice trailed off as she realized we had guests and her sharp tone softened immediately as her hands dropped. She smiled. “What are you boys doing here?”

Ryder and Hardyn exchanged a glance. “Uh, well, we were going to order pizza, but maybe we should go home,” Ryder said.

“Yeah,” Hardyn chimed in. Even he looked uncomfortable. “Maybe we should go.”

“Of course not,” Mom trilled, the phone already in her hand. “What do you kids want? I’ll order it right now.” She turned to me, her eyes and her voice hardening. “Lindy, wipe up that floor and go change. Now.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice. I knelt to the floor, carefully wiping up the puddle with the towel I still clutched in my hand. I sensed Grady moving away, his feet leaving large wet streaks on the flooring.

“Where did these drinks come from?” Mom asked, surprised, as she waited on hold.

“It’s so cool, Mom,” Grady said, opening the cabinets. “The kitchen’s stocked! Isn’t that awesome?”

“That’s so thoughtful of them,” I heard Mom say as I left the room, scooching my feet across the carpet to dry them before running up the stairs.

“Lindy!” Mom called. “Don’t run up the stairs. It sounds like a herd of elephants coming through the…. Hello? Yes, I’d like to place an order.”

Her voice faded into the distance as I hurried down the dark hallway, stopping only to toss the sopping wet towel on Grady’s bed before flying into my room and slamming the door behind me.

It was dark and cool. I felt even more goosebumps trailing up and and down my arms. I was so tired and drained from the travel, the long day, the heat, and swimming, I considered staying upstairs. My bed looked welcoming, soft and comfortable.

But I knew Mom would be up soon, saying I was being a bad hostess. Besides, my stomach was already growling. I shoved myself away from the door, stopping only to grab a loose pair of workout pants, some underthings, and a t-shirt before flipping on the light to the bathroom.

It was amazing. All shining lights, dark tile, and mirrors. I turned on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up while I dumped out another bag, quickly grabbing my shampoo and toiletries. The mirror was already steamy when I returned.

The hot water felt like heaven against my clammy skin and I longed once more to linger under the water and then climb into bed, possibly begging a slice of gooey pizza from my mom. I knew any other time, I could have probably gotten away with dinner in bed with a book, but not tonight. Mom was aiming to impress. I sighed and shampooed quickly, trying to chase the sleepiness from my eyes.

“Lindy!” I heard Mom call from outside my bathroom door. She rapped her knuckles against it softly. “Supper’s here.”

“Be right down, Mom,” I called, shutting off the jets.

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