Five ❤️

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"Where the hell were you yesterday Zayn Javadd Malik and don't you dare fucking lie to me" Trisha boomed as she entered the boy's room.

"I- I went out with a f-friend" the scared boy stumbled back a little bit from his spot in front of his closet.

"It was a guy wasn't it ?" She asked, ashamed even.

"Y-yeah" Zayn lowered his head.

"You think we need a fucking faggot in our family Zayn ? Are you serious I- I can't even deal with this right now. Come here ! " Her voice echoed in Zayn's small room. Zayn took slow, small steps until he reached his mother, completely aware of what may happen. "Good thing your sisters aren't home innit ?" She chuckled before landing a hard punch to his face. She continued to beat the living crap out of him until the poor boy was begging mercy.

A good ten minutes later after yelling and throwing stuff at little Zayn, Trisha had to go pick up the girls from soccer.

Zayn lay on his floor, clutching his chest in an attempt to breath better.

He tried to think of what to do. He could call Liam ? No. He couldn't tell all this to Liam. Plus, then he wouldn't be able to bruise. He could sneak out ? Go to Harry or Niall's ? No, that would probably make things worse.

He decided on locking his door and grabbing a hammer.

The waterworks have already begun as he started.

'One for not listening' One hard hit. He winced in pain, realizing he'd hit a place his mother had previously bruised.

'One for being ignorant' He attacked the same spot with a low groan of soreness. He deserved this.

'One for being crazy' He once again hit the same spot.

'One for being idiotic' He attacked a different spot again, desperate for more pain.

'One for being selfish' Same spot.

'One for taking people's time' He cried.

'One for being so damn stupid'

'One for taking Liam's time. I don't deserve him.'

'And some more for good luck'.

So he continuously hit his arms harshly with the heavy tool, definitely making several bruises. He made sure to slip on his beat up hoodie before his mom got home and laughed at him. The small boy quickly bolted to the kitchen, in hopes of finding something for dinner. The girls only had soccer practice twice a week, so he only gets those nights to eat, if he doesn't make it obvious.

"Lasagna" He smiled to himself, looking at the leftovers he guessed were from last night. His mom never invites him to dinner and his sisters get in trouble if Trisha finds out they've spoken with the boy. Of course, they don't get beat up, or not get dinner several nights in a row, or have to sleep in the basement. She usually just takes their phones for the rest of the night, or makes them do extra reading.

That's why Zayn doesn't even have much of a relationship with his sisters. Hell, he wishes, but it's for the better if he doesn't talk to the girls.

The Bradford boy put a small plate of lasagna in the microwave, and put his head in his hands as he waited for the food to warm up. He sniffled a few times and smiled to himself, realizing he was getting dinner for the first time since last Monday ! He happily grabbed a fork out of the dishwasher and took a spoonful of the delicious food, moaning at the amazing taste. He was just about the take another bite until he heard the keys jingle.

"Mommy ! Can Zaynie have dinner with us ? I miss him" Zayn heard his smallest sister pout as his mother tried to unlock the front door.

"We don't feed faggots Safaa" Trisha sighed, finally getting the door unlocked. Zayn bolted to his 'room' faster than you press snooze on your alarm clock. He set the small plate of food in his bottom dresser drawer, planning to eat it once his mother has gone to bed.

bruised ~ ziamWhere stories live. Discover now