Twelve ❤️

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"Hey ! I'm Perrie and i'll be- Harry ? Oh hi." The waitress, Perrie began, not realizing that she was serving one of her best friends.

"Perrie oh hi" Harry giggled, glancing from Perrie to Louis.

"You didn't tell me you had a date ! Harold !" The blonde excitedly whisper yelled. "Louis Tomlinson ? The star footie player ? Damn boy look at you" She continued, winking at the curly headed lad causing him to blush.

"Y-yeah" The green eyed boy sighed, content.

"Nice to meet you Perrie Edwards." Louis smiled broadly, his confidence winning.

"Nice to meet you to Louis ! What drinks can I get started for you two today ?" Perrie chuckled, flipping one of her blonde curls behind her back.

"Uh I'll have a lemon tea please" Harry smiled.

"I'll take coke thank you" Louis replied after.

"Be right back with your drinks boys. Have fun" She winked before walking off.

Harry was left with rosy cheeks causing Louis to smile at the adorable boy in front of him.

"Hi" Louis cutely said, starting the conversation as he grabbed Harrys larger hands from across the table.

"Hi" Harry responded shyly, his cheeks tinted pink.


"My mum might be home soon" Liam whispered in Zayn's ear after he checked his wrist watch. The bradford boy looked up to Liam with fear written across his gorgeous face. "Why you scared baby"

"She won't like me" The small boy whispered.

"She'll love you Zayn" Liam said, a little loud causing a half sleeping Josh to kick him in the balls.

"Ow Fucker" Liam groaned, pushing Josh off the couch causing Niall to fall on top of him. The couple groaned out of slight pain and major tiredness, causing Zayn to giggle cutely.

"Well that was rude" A tired Niall grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. Liam shrugged earning a major eye roll from Josh.

"Come on baby we'll just go take his bed." Josh winked at Liam before picking up his boyfriend bridal style and carrying him up the stairs to Liam's room.

"Oh well. We can sleep in the guest room. Or or you could sleep in the guest room and i'll sleep on the couch. Sorry I forgot you're probably not comfortable eno-" Liam rambled, before Zayn cut him off with a small kiss.

"I'm fine sleeping with you" He smiled before smashing his lips back on Liam's. The kiss wasn't exactly meant to get heated, but it did. It started with Liam practically begging for entrance before Zayn finally gave in to the hot guy. After many personal debates, Zayn decided taking his shirt off, around the person he trusted the most wouldn't be to harmful. The small boy pulled away for a slight second to throw his shirt over his head.

Zayn was extremely skinny. He wasn't anorexic, he just wasn't able to get the food he needed sometimes. Of course, there were also blue and black bruises scattered up and down his arms. His torso was a nice tan color, almost the same shade as his face. You could practically see his ribs peeking from under his soft skin, but it wasn't his fault.

The two boys joined lips again, this time Liam's large muscular hands softly exploring Zayn's torso.

"You're beautiful" The brown haired boy whispered against Zayn's lips. Zayn whimpered softly before slipping his small hands under Liam's tank top, causing the elder boy to groan.

"Not to ruin the moment but uh son are you gay ?" Liam suddenly heard the booming voice of his dad echo through his ears. Zayn quickly jumped back and covered his body with a blanket that fortunately had been there. The young boy immediately looked at his fingernails as a nervous habit. Liam sighed annoyedly, which his dad easily caught.

"Liam Payne. I just asked a simple question. Sorry I prevented you from fucking on the damn couch." His dad half teased, putting his hands on his black fabric covered hips like a female.

"Sorry dad" Liam said, making eye contact with the larger man for the first time that night.

"It's alright boy, don't disrespect me though. Now answer my question." The fifty year old insisted, bending down to Liam's eye level causing the senior to chuckle.

"I dunno if i'm gay dad. But this is Zayn" Liam introduced, softly putting his pointer finger under Zayn's chin to have the shy boy meet his father.

"H-hi." Zayn mumbled, making sure to hopefully make a good impression on his best friends dad.

"Hi kiddo. So your the dude that made my Liam question his sexuality huh ?" His dad said angrily, cracking his knuckles. This caused Zayn to whimper and sink under the covers while Liam angrily snapped his head towards his parent, looking ready to prounce.

"Aha i'm just shitting ya. I'm not homophobic and neither is Karen. Just thought i'd mess with the two of ya." The man chuckled before walking off into the kitchen to grab some crisps. "I don't really know what he's hiding though. His nipples ? God boy gain some confidence." Liam's dad stated, referring to Zayn who was still huddled under the blanket.

"I-it's cold" Zayn stuttered shyly.

Liam glared at his dad, causing the older man to hold his hands up in defense.

"I was just asking why the dude is wearing a blanket. Sorry, sorry. Your mother will probably be down soon so be prepared to here six hundred and ninety eight compliments on how cute Zayn is" Liam's dad laughed, heading upstairs with the crisps in his hand.

"Who's Zayn ? Oh my gosh he's so cute !" Karen gushed as she reaches the bottom step.

"Told ya !" The boys heard Geoff yell, causing them to laugh.

"Who is this Liam ?" Karen asked, pinching Zayn's cheeks and mumbling how cute the boy was.

Liam sighed before answering. "Mom that's Zayn. He's my boyf- really good friend." Liam explained, cheeks red at the mistake he made. "I know Zayn won't say it but i'm almost a hundred ten percent positive Zayn is over this whole touchy touchy thing" The older bloke laughed, gently pushing his mother's hands from Zayn's face.

"He's just the cutest thing ! Why haven't I seen him before !" Karen continued to obsess over the small, fragile boy. "Wait a minute" The older woman paused, slowly backing up from Zayn. "Liam are you gay ?" She asked, a little surprised already. Liam took a small gulp before shrugging. "So there's a chance your into boys ?" His mother continued, Liam nodding shyly. "I ship it ! Ziam !"


i'm such a fucking slacker i am so so so sorry please don't stop reading. it's been like a month since i've updated this, yell at me if you must ):

anywayssss, sorry this is short but i had to get a chapter out !

larry date 😏 ziam exposed 😏

sorry for any errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, or spelling 💗

message me ! any votes or comments are greatly appreciated ❤️

all the love, m xx

january 30th, 2019

word count : 1167 💓

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