Thirteen ❤️

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"My place ?" Louis happily asked once the two boys finished their dinner. Harry looked up at him with wide green eyes.

"I-I don't know Louis. Your parents will probably hate me" He answered, mumbling the last part as he looked down at his empty plate.

"Harold Edward Styles. My mum will absolutely adore you ! And my stepdad will be proud I found someone like you. They aren't stupid homophobes and there is nothing you could do to make them dislike you one bit." Louis rushed out.

"I feel like i'll say something bad or wrong and they'll hate me" Harry whimpered.

Louis grabbed Harry's bigger hands in his and stared at him right in his eyes.

Blue on green, green on blue.

"Nothing you could ever do would stop my feelings for you. Not even my parents."
"Niall babe, please" Josh pleaded.

"No Joshy I already ate earlier." The stubborn blonde replied.

"Yeah, eight hours ago" Josh groaned, annoyed.

"Why can't we just go to catch a movie or something." Niall pouted.

"Will you let me buy you food there ?" The drummer piped up.

"No." Niall grumbled.

"Will you eat before we go ?" The muscular guy tried.


"Will you let me take you out to eat afterwards"


"Niall" Josh dragged out the 'L'. "Please baby. How about just a small bowl of soup. Or even like a salad or a fruit salad." Niall shook his head. "How about half of a sandwich?"

The blonde was super hesitant, but he wanted to make Josh happy. And he knew that eating would make him happy. Even though he doesn't deserve food, he's fat and ugly and anything he eats makes it worse.

But the one thing Niall was capable of was making Josh happy.

And he didn't want to ruin that too.

So he nodded, holding his breath as Josh happily kissed him.

The blonde was under the brunette, Josh using his strong biceps to make sure he doesn't fall on Niall's slim body. He would surely break, being just skin and bones.

Josh sneakily placed his left arm under Niall's shirt, gripping his pale hip as he balanced himself on his right arm. Niall was still surprised on how strong his boyfriend was, but he pushed that thought to the back of his head and wrapped his skinny pale arms around Josh's muscular shoulders.

The bigger guy softly bit the smallers bottom lip, gaining entrance from his boyfriend and quickly using that to his advantage. Niall wrapped his legs around his boyfriends waist, trying to gain friction. The blonde moaned as Josh's rough hands explored his torso, sending shivers down the Irish boys spine. Just as Niall went to grip Josh's hair, the bigger boy pulled away chuckling.

"Why don't we go and make you that sandwich yeah" He teased, winking.

"Now I really don't wanna eat" Niall grumbled, unwillingly getting up to follow his boyfriend to the kitchen, scowling at him when he let out a chuckle.
"I haven't bruised in three weeks." Zayn sighed, as he wrapped his skinny arms around Liam's broad, muscular body.

"That's fucking amazing Zaynie" Liam applauded, rubbing circles in the younger boy's hips.

"No. Because I want to so bad" Zayn replied, biting his lip as he pulled away from Liam.

"No, stay strong Zayn I know you can. You're the strongest guy I know. Please Zaynie ? For me ?" Liam pouted, jutting out his bottom lip. Normally, Zayn would easily kiss his pout away, but on this occasion, he slowly shook his head.

"Liam I need to. I have to go home today, and we both know how that's going to blow with my mother. She'll probably kill me if I don't beat her to it. I need to die anyways" Zayn said, his voice breaking. Liam's heart broke at the sight as slow tears escaped Zayn's dark eyes.

"Ok then." Liam said before rolling up his sleeves of his long sleeved black shirt. "If you have to bruise, bruise me." He finished as he held out his long pale arms in front of Zayn.

The tan boys eyes widened and he viciously shook his head.

"I would never hurt you like that Li." He choked out. Liam raised and eyebrow.

"Well you know what. If you were to bruise yourself one more time, it would hurt me more than this ever would. So if you don't want to hurt me, you would not bruise at all, or bruise me instead." Liam said, dead seriously.

And Zayn broke down.

He broke so hard.

Loud sobs, many tears, puffy eyes, sniffles, full on break down.

And Liam didn't mind one bit when Zayn gripped the back of his shirt as he wrapped into the front. There would probably be tears and snot all over Liam's shirt but he could fucking care less.

He gripped Liam like there was no tomorrow, like Liam was dying, like if he didn't hold on tighter than Liam would let go forever.

Liam held onto his boy just as tight, his arms snuggly around Zany's skinny neck, his head buried into the crook of the smaller boys neck as Zayn cried.

Which made Liam want to cry.

But he didn't, he wanted to stay strong for his baby.

Well, technically Zayn wasn't his.


But Liam.. he really liked Zayn.

Really liked him.

Which lead to his next words.

"I-I love you Zayn."

this is just a filler chapter to hold until my next update im so sorry it's so short i feel bad :( i'm going to start updating every sunday or monday night, and if i don't, you get permission to yell at me :)

i have so many drafts because i get so many ideas so i get easily distracted with those, my bad. i have like five drafts right now and i'm super excited about them but i'm gunna prewrite some of those so spaced updates don't happen again.

alsooo, sorry this chapter jumps around but this chapter is so cute

sorry for any errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, or spelling 💗

message me ! any votes or comments are greatly appreciated ❤️

all the love, m xx

february 18, 2019

word count : 1037

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