21 Dark Lesson

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I fly into Lola's arms as soon as I get to school. She is worn completely through, like my last pair of lucky tennis shoes right before a hole appeared at the big toe. On her last legs and desperate for someone to help her.

Bastian hovers just next to us. Ryker is nearby, hesitant to come any closer and send red flags up with the humans watching us. I can feel the agitation roiling inside Ryker. He wants to be touching me and I want to touch him.

"You and Alpha Ryker are like a teacher/student porno before the sex," Lola whispers hoarsely in my ear.

I choke out a laugh and strangle her a little more with my hug. Only this girl could make an off-color joke just a day after her awful, soul-wrenching revelations.

"We're sexy that way," I respond.

She sniffles and squeezes me. Bad feelings pour off of her, too many and too various for me to sort through.

"To class, ladies," Ryker prods us gently. I know he wants us corralled in the classroom. We are easier to protect if we're not standing out in the middle of hallway surrounded by so many people.

Lola and I separate enough to walk to class. Bastian follows us, his own emotions in turmoil. I can feel his wolf watching everyone, stalking everyone.

"You're former alphason's wolf is becoming more dominant," Ryker says to me quietly.

Both Lola and I slide glances his way. Ryker shrugs, "he is growing, fast, to face this threat."



The pup's mate scents of males. Various males, too many for even my nose to count. Normally, it would be a massive turn-off, but considering that it's Lola, I slap my wolf down. Still, it's an acrid, irritating smell that wafts under the scent of her tears.

My wolf wants to isolate her from the pack with her mate, forcing them to Mark and Claim each other so the scent on her will only be Bastian's. It's an alpha instinct, making sure that mates find each other and stay together, no matter what. I even have a few cabins up in the deep forest for such a purpose.

They aren't even in my pack.

"Mr. Ryker," Bastian greets me with more politeness than he's ever shown.

"Bastian," I return his greeting. He looks fucked up. I can feel his wolf, the alpha-to-be growing at an accelerated rate to catch up to the shitstorm that his mate and father have unwillingly dragged him into. His skin looks stretched too tight over bulging muscles. Soon the pup will rival my adult betas and he is only eighteen. He'll catch up to his father even faster.

My wolf bares his canines. Roland. What a fucking joke of an alpha.

Bastian reaches out to wrap an arm around Lola. I wonder if he feels the flinch before she relaxes into him. She is as jittery as an addict looking for a fix. Completely unaware of her surroundings, of who is behind her. Alpha Orders that have held her together as much as they have broken her are now disordered, disrupted and I am the one who did it.

I sigh abruptly, edging closer to the three of them so that I can inhale Mac to calm myself.

The sweet scent of my mate mixes with Lola's acrid fear and Bastian's alpha. The faintest scent of Omega lies under them all.

I stop abruptly. Omegas, real omegas, are rare. They used to be more common, because either you are born omega, which only happens once every lifetime, or you are made into an omega by a hard life. Wolves, like humans, don't live life so hard these days.

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