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The other students in the area greet Valerie as she scans the area. She waves back at them while searching for a specific male student. Where could he be? It can't be that hard to find him. He's as tall as Chris but with jet black hair and is surrounded by his two friends and little sister. She thinks.

Isn't that his little sister? She thinks as she spots Sandy opening her locker. She approaches Sandy with a friendly smile on her face.

She is Ms. Congeniality after all.

"Hi! Your name is Xandrine, right? Leandre's little sister?"

Sandy closes her locker and looks at Valerie cheerily. "Yup. That's me. Are you looking for my brother?"

Valerie nods her head which causes Sandy's face to grim.

"I can tell you're a werewolf so I'll just say this right away. Stay away from my brother. He already found his mate. So it's much better for you to bother and flirt with another werewolf," Sandy smiles sarcastically and starts walking away.

"Wait!" Valerie manages to hold her wrist, "I'm not looking for him to ask him out. My name is Valerie Summers. I'm his mate's older sister."

Sandy's mouth forms an 'o' and she immediately changes her composure. "You should've said so earlier! Call me Sandy! We'll probably become family sooner or later anyway. Leandre already went to the first period with Dylan and Xavier. Did something bad happen with Nicole?"

Valerie hesitates for a while before responding, "Can I trust you?"

"That depends. Are you going to be a threat to me and the Midnight Moon Pack?" Sandy retaliates.

"No. Except if you hurt someone from my pack. But other than that, we're good," Valerie shrugs and chuckles afterward. She then lets go of her wrist.

Sandy nods her head in agreement before asking, "Did you and Nicole have a fight? It's alright you can trust me. I mean no harm for your pack anyway."

"We sort of had a fight? You see, she found out that she's like us and won't listen to us when we explain things to her. Since she and your bro-

"She and my brother are mates so you figured she might listen to him?" Sandy finishes for Valerie. "Alright. I thought that would probably be the case. Though, I initially thought you might want to beat him up or something like that."

Valerie's eyes widen at Sandy's words. "I'm sure no one would dare to. He is the next Alpha after all."

"Considering our packs are not really in good terms, it's possible someone from yours might attack one of our own or vice versa. We might as well establish good relations at school to avoid those situations," Sandy suggests and then flashes a toothy grin.

Valerie nods and replies, "I should probably go ahead and find your brother."

"No need to go that far. I'm already here anyway," Leandre interjects, arriving at the scene. His two friends follow closely behind him, one blond and the other with dirty blond hair. "Is there anything you need?"

"It's about your mate," Sandy answers for Valerie.

A worried look flashes on Leandre's face. "Huh? Did something bad happen to her? Is she injured? Did she get kidnapped? I knew I should have sent some of my warriors to guard her. I sensed someone following us when we went out last week."

"He certainly has it bad," the blond says to the other, chuckling.

"Not going to deny that at all, Dyl," Xavier seconds the motion.

"Nothing serious happened. I just need your help with her. It's just... she's mad at me and Chris," Valerie answers with a sad expression on her face.

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