Vision and the Transformation

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"Where am I?" I stare at the white ceiling above me. This bed is really soft and comfortable, it makes me want to drift off into sleep once again.

Wait, no! Focus, Nikki!

I try to sit up, but to my utter dismay, I can't even lift my body. "Help!" I scream, but no words come out of my mouth. What's going on? Why can't I move an inch? I raise my arms and my eyes widen at what I'm seeing. Why the hell are my hands and arms so small? I raise my legs and the same thing has also happened. Did I revert into my baby form?!

Is this magic? Why am I a baby again? Is this like one of those books where the protagonists wake up as a character of a book they recently read? But it's been so long since I read a story worth transmigrating into.

"Help!" I try to yell, but no words came out. If I'm a baby, the logical thing to catch other people's attention would be to cry loudly.

So I cried and thrash my hands around my crib.

Footsteps immediately rush to my room and a woman's voice fills my ears. "That's alright, my little sugarplum. Mommy's here. Mommy's got you," the woman sings.

Leaning over the crib to carry me is a beautiful woman with the same bright hair as mine. Her eyes are a beautiful gray color and her smile is as radiant as the sun. How can someone be this beautiful? She has truly been blessed by the gods! Though I have to admit, I thought she's me from the future. But I don't have gray eyes.

"Are you hungry? Don't worry, I brought your baby bottle!" she coos before sitting on the chair beside the crib and holding me securely. She takes the nursing bottle on the table and shakes it. She lets a drop of milk fall onto her arm to check the temperature. "The temperature is perfect. It's safe for you to drink now, my love."

She places the nipple close to my mouth. I open my mouth and begin to drink the milk in it. I grab hold of the baby bottle.

Her gray eyes are staring warmly at me and I can feel her body heat.

"You know? Your daddy has been very busy lately. Especially with the recent sightings of vampires and rogue wolves around the area," she rambles on. "But don't you worry, my little love, daddy and mommy are one of the strongest members in the pack. Your dad is exceptionally strong alone. We'll make sure you are protected and no harm comes your way."

Another set of footsteps came running up the stairs. "I heard her! I heard Nicolette's cries from a mile away. Is she hurt?"

Huh? Who's Nicolette?

The woman holding me laughs and looks at the owner of the voice. "No, silly. She's just hungry."

The man approaches us and gently caresses my hair. His chocolate brown eyes stare at me lovingly. "You'll be safe, our little moonshine. We'll protect you from the enemy."

"What do you mean, Love?" the woman asks the man.

"They declared it," the man answers, his voice growing grim. "War."

I flutter my eyes open and squint them at the bright light above me. I can't believe I end up awake after almost getting to the good part of my dream. Why does that always happen? They were talking about a war and it felt like I was in a movie.

"Finally! I've been trying to wake you up!" Valerie's worried blue eyes meet mine and she finally sighs in relief. "It's almost time for your bath of purification. I've been assigned this task, I'll make sure to do it right."

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