The Principal's New Secretary

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"Here's the key to the storage room, Mr. Zyris." I place the key with the labeled keychain on his table, not waiting for him to take it from me. "I made sure to lock the door."

The image of my mother along with the other members of her committee flashes in my head once again. I don't want to assume that they're hiding anything from me, especially after the whole werewolf thing. But what if what I'm speculating is true? The guilty face Leandre had after I told her the girl who looked wasn't my mom made me feel uneasy. Did he yet again reveal another secret my family is hiding?

He puts his phone down and gazes right into my eyes with an eerie smile on his face. "Thank you for returning the key, Ms. Summers. Please do have a good evening."

"You, too, Mr. Zyris." I send a small smile his way.

He shows me a toothy grin, his ocean blue eyes turning crimson red once again which makes me look away.

The thumping in my chest increases as I practically rush to Leandre's side. I grab his hand, startling him in the process. My breathing became heavy and I whisper to him, "Leandre, there's something wrong with the Principal's new secretary. I think I saw his eyes turn red."

Leandre's grip on my hand tightens and his gray irises turn a darker shade. "Let's go."

The moment we step out of the double doors, I spot a familiar brunet sitting rigidly on the benches of the waiting shed with his hand in his jacket pocket. Even though his muscular build is sitting straight, he is busily tapping his foot. He stands up and turns around once we get close enough—his brown eyes narrowing at the sight of Leandre and then fall into our hands.

"Nikki, I've been sent to escort you home," Jace informs me. He must have gone home already, considering he is already wearing a pair of shorts, slippers, and a jacket.

Leandre growls at the mention of him escorting me home.

I squeeze Leandre's hand in an attempt to calm him down. I snap my head toward Jace and reply, "Really? Leandre and I were going to Moonlight though. I owe him a treat."

"Does Alpha know about this?" Jace asks, his eyebrows meeting in between.

"Does he need to know? My mother allowed it. And I'm with Leandre. It's not like he's going to kill me. If you're so concerned, you're welcomed to join us if you want."

Leandre lets go of my hand and stands in between me in Jace protectively, eyes still throwing daggers at the male in front of us. "If you really wanted to protect her, you should have stood guard instead of leaving her alone in detention."

Jace's knitted brows relax, and his eyes glint in worry. "What do you mean?"

"A leech has infiltrated the school grounds. Is the Blood Moon Pack suddenly so lax that they're barely doing anything to alleviate this problem?" Leandre questions in a discourteous manner.

Jace scowls, clenching his jaw. "Are you insulting our pack?"

"I was merely being concerned for the protection and well-being of my mate. I believe my actions are understandable." Leandre returns to his place beside me and places his arm around my shoulder, sparks igniting the parts of my skin he touches. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be going to Moonlight Cafe. You can follow us if you'd like."

Jace grits his teeth at Leandre's persistence and nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask Jace but his mind seems to be elsewhere.

"We should go. He's probably busy with other things," Leandre tells me as we walk to his car.

"By other things, are you talking about something werewolf-related?"

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