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The silence of the corridors makes the ambiance of the school eerie. Yet, I cannot find it within me to proceed to the classroom yet. I never should have searched up online about those animal attacks happening around town. The photos of the victims should definitely not have been posted on the news. Anyone who hates gory stuff, like me, should stay away from those.

Is this the type of life I'd be leading now? Werewolves, vampires, and magic—I don't think it's possible to deal with these things without expecting bloodshed. For all I know, those animal attacks were probably caused by any of the three.

I close my eyes and the images of the decapitated head of the humans enter my mind.

A throbbing sensation pulsates in my head and I shiver at the thought. I feel my stomach churn once again. I already threw up my lunch. If I hurl any more than what I already have, I might end up puking my guts out instead.

Maybe I should go to the infirmary instead and ask for something to help with my nausea?

It's Ms. Calvin's period once again. The substitute teacher probably left an activity to tend to her other classes, so I pray that I'm safe from the wrath of our strict teachers.

I open the door to the classroom while my other hand massages my left temple at the throbbing pain. I meet Mrs. Dane's intense glare at my being late and remember the cold, lifeless eyes of the victims of the vampires' attacks.

"Please excuse me, Mrs. Dane. I need to go to the restroom." I shut the door and run to the nearest bathroom, nausea getting the best of me once again.

I enter one of the cubicles and tie my hair in a bun, so it won't get in the way. I spit out the saliva accumulating in my mouth into the toilet at the thought. The bile rises up my throat once again and I crouch down. My eyes begin to water as I spew them into the toilet.

Fucking hell.

"Nikki! Are you alright?" Elina's worried voice reaches my ears.

I don't make an attempt to answer her when vomit rises up my throat once again.

A tear escapes my eyes as I continue to vomit. It takes me a few more minutes before I finished. I grab a tissue from the tissue holder and wipe my mouth. I cough and proceed to sink to rinse the aftertaste off my mouth. I hold the pink tiles on the sink and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and I was lucky enough the vomit didn't rise up my nose.

"I'm sorry for not answering you, Elina."

"Here." Elina hands me a mouthwash and a disposable cup. Where did she even get these from?

I begin to gargle, then I realize Elina wasn't even in my class for the current period. How did she find out I was running to the bathroom?

"Kathleen told me through the pack link that you ran out of the room so I searched for you using your scent." The pack link? Mom told me I can hear the pack link though, did that ability somehow go away? Wait a minute.

"What do you mean you tracked me using my scent?" I question her, widening my eyes at this discovery.

Elina laughs before responding, "You have a distinct scent. Plus, you use strawberry shampoo, right? That made it easier for me to distinguish you from the others here."

Werewolves have heightened senses. I guess this explains how I can hear people from far afar. But why can't I hear the pack link anymore? Don't I have a heightened smell, too? Will these abilities manifest once I turn into a werewolf just like the rest of them?

"Elina, when can I hear the pack link?" I inquire, thoughts of the vampires going away.

"You usually hear it after you did the transformation ritual before you shift. The bond between you and our pack members will automatically be connected and you'll be able to communicate with the rest of us anytime and anywhere no matter the distance," Elina explains carefully with a smile.

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