Werewolf 101

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After an eventful day at school with me avoiding and ignoring my friends and my sister, I finally walk towards the front doors of the administration's building where we can see the road. I don't think I have the courage to face them after all the things I said.

If this were a normal day, I would've gone home with Jace or Jeremiah. The odds aren't really in my favor.

"Make way, people! I'm coming through!" Valerie's voice booms through the crowd. "Nikki! Wait!"

I stop in my tracks and look back at the sea of teenagers in the corridors. Some were just causing more traffic by speaking to each other in the corridors instead of discussing it somewhere else. I spot Valerie's dirty blonde hair and her hand raising her phone. I wait for her at the wall near the fire extinguisher. Let's just assume that we'll be heading home together.

Valerie arrives in front of me, catching her breath while holding onto her knees. "Hoo! That was rough. Chris will be coming to pick us up. He said to wait outside."

"Right," I mutter quietly and follow her out the door.

We both sit on the benches placed outside the school building in silence.

"Are you still mad?"

Suddenly, the grayish-white walls of the school seem more interesting than the topic we'll be having. "I wonder when they last repainted the walls."

"Nikki!" Valerie whines, making me divert my gaze towards her. A sad smile plants on her lips.

I stare at the grass in front of us, commenting, "This grass seems untrimmed, they should really hire a permanent gardener to properly tend to the plants." Seeing the unkempt garbage bin area, I add, "People should really segregate and throw their trash properly. It's a nuisance to the garbage collectors if they keep acting like savages."

"Okay, I get it. You're still mad, but you'll accept our help, right?" Valerie questions, but I pretend to not hear it and look up at the sky.

"Oh, would you look at that? Those clouds look like Simba, Timon, and Pumba."

"Nikki, please don't ignore me," Valerie pleads, trying to stifle a chuckle at my comment. She continues to stare at me like she's drilling holes into my head.

"If you had a power that could dissolve people, I'd be liquid by now," I remark and quirk the corner of my lips upward.

A smile tugs at her lips at my remark. "Are you still angry?"

"Just a little."

She giggles at my reply, sincerely saying, "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us for hiding the truth from you."

I squeeze her hand, assuring her that it will be alright in time. I just need to adjust to this newly given information and process it in my system well. If I'm going to become one of them anyway, I might as well start accepting the truth slowly.

"Not that I want to ruin your sibling moment, but we should get home," Chris jokes with an awkward expression on his face. He's probably wondering how he should act in front of me. His mouth curves into a small smile before saying, "I'm really sorry, Nikki."

I stand up and pull him into one of my tight hugs.

"Please don't hide anything else from me."

"We promise."

On the way home, Chris mentioned that he's taking a break from work to properly educate me on the basics of living as a werewolf. Valerie assured me that there are only a few points to take note of, and the most important rule to uphold when being around humans is to not show our werewolf side. They also reminded me that I'll be having a birthday celebration at home and the entire pack is invited. They also sent invitations to the Alpha, Luna from the Midnight Moon-which is the pack Leandre's going to inherit soon.

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