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I caught up with my mum and sister as we all walked out of the hospital. We didn't say anything until we got home.

"Night night, I'll be up in a minute" I said to my sister as I watched her run upstairs to her bedroom.

I looked at my mum pouring herself a drink and sitting at the dinning table.

"Thank you" I said to her, hugging her from behind.

"Your welcome" she said.

"I'm off to bed, school tomorrow night" I ran upstairs to my room, peeped into Taylor's room, but no one was in. Then peeped into Katie's room, she had just finished getting changed and was going into bed. I walked in further so that she could see me.

"Good night" I said as I sat at the side of her bed.

"Night" she closed her eyes lightly, I got up and turned her bedside lamp of. Then went into my room and striped into my pj's, I read for a while then fell asleep.

"Lola!" I heard someone shout from downstairs. I heard footsteps coming upstairs then slamming my door open. It was my dad.

I woke up sweating and my heart thumping out my skin, I must of been dreaming. I looked at my alarm '7:00' it read. I got up and went into the bathroom and got a shower. I didn't wash my hair I will do it tonight.

Then I got into my room, I put on my dark red jeans, to match I put on a white baggy top that had the 'peace' sign on it, then my white converse.

I went downstairs while putting my hair into a neat ponytail, and grabbing some waffles my mum laid out for me. I grabbed my phone that I left downstairs, I texted Jason.

Lola: Hi, are you coming to school today, do you need a lift?

Jason: would that be okay?

Lola: yep of course, where are you?

Jason: at the hospital

Lola: do you want me to stop by at your house and pick up some clothes?

Jason: yeh, sure if you don't mind

Lola: see you soon

I got in my car with half a waffle in my mouth, then started to drive. I can remember where Jason's house was from last time.

When I saw it come up in the distance, I parked the car just at the side of the road.

I walked up the mossy path and knocked on the front door. It was the same lady who answered the last time, but it wasn't his mum.

"Can I help you?" She said with her crocked voice.

"Yeh Jason told me to stop by and pick up some clothes" I said.

"Sure 2 minutes and I will get you a bag" she came back with his school bag, filled with work and clothes.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the bag out her arms gently.

"Bye" she didn't say bye back though.

I got in my car and put his bag on the passenger seat next to me. Then drove to the hospital. When I got there he was waiting outside sitting on a bench.

He saw me and got in.

"Hello" I said as he opened the door and got in.

"Hi" he said kissing me.

I moved the his bag out the way so he could sit down.

"Here you go" I gave him the bag.

"Thanks" then he started taking his trousers of and putting his knew ones on, then he took his shirt of. I almost crashed the car, he had a freakin six pack.

I tried not to make it obvious that I was looking at him. I parked in my usual spot and we both got out, he took my hand and we walked through the pupil entrance. I kept getting evil stares as if I've killed someone.

We both walked up to Michelle and Dylan, Mike wasn't there though.

"Hey"I said hugging Michelle.

"Hi" she said dryly.

"What's up with everyone?" I asked looking around and trying to ignore the evil stares I was getting.

"Is it true?" A voice said from behind me, I turned around and saw Amber looking entertained of what's going on.

"Is what true?" Jason said angry.

"Ohh you didn't hear, there's rumours saying that Lola is cheating on you with Mike" she said laughing with her friends.

"What!" Who has been spreading these untrue rumours.

"You heard me" she said nasty.

Jason looked at me with sad eyes.

"Is this true" he said as if he was going to kill somebody.

"No I would never do that, I can't believe you would believe her" I looked her up and down, she was asking for a slap right over her pink blush cheeks.

"Of course he would believe me" she said walking up to him about to do something that she would regret.

As soon as she laid her finger on his chest, I pounced right on top of her, pulling her hair, and slapping her.

"GET HER OF ME" she screamed for help.

I felt myself being lifted of her by Jason. She got up with her make up ruined and her hair all messed up.

I just laughed then I heard a cough like someone was wanting my attention, I looked over and there was the head teacher.

"Follow me ladies" he said calmly walking away.

As we both followed her, I tried not to look at the horrible stares I was getting from people.

We entered the office and both took a seat in front of the desk.

"So who would like to speak first?" She asked us both, I was so not speaking first.

'Yeh I have a boyfriend and someone started spreading rumours that I cheated on him with someone, and Amber was annoying me so I thought I would beat the crap out of her' I just thought about that in my mind.

"She started it" Amber said with a smirk on her face. I just looked at her in disbelief, I saw the head looking at me.

"What's your side of the story Amber?" She said turning her head to Amber.

"Well I was walking into school, and someone came up to me and said that Lola cheated on Jason with Mike. I was really annoyed and felt sorry for them both, so I questioned Lola, and I guess she couldn't handle everyone knowing the truth, so she took it out on me".

"And yours?" The head saying looking at me.

"I walked in with Jason and Amber came up to me and started winding me up and being horrible, saying untrue things and flirting with Jason. Yeh I got annoyed, no wonder". I tried to make it believable.

"Both of these stories are different if no one is going to tell me the truth" she took a breath before saying anything "I'm going to have to give you both detention for the rest of this month". I looked at her in shock then turned to Amber waiting on her to tell the truth, but she didn't say anything.

'What a bitch'

The Daisy ChainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon