Results & Medication

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The same nurse that has been with Kristina came in to tell everyone the news.

"Hello, is it okay for me to come in?" The nurse asked.

"Yeh sure come in" Jason mum said shouting to the nurse who's head was poking out the door.

"Hi, so I have some news" she said coming in and grabbing a chair from the stack in the corner.

"Okay?" Georgie, Jason's mum said.

The nurse sat down and flicked through some papers before telling us all the news, we all just stared at her waiting in silence.

"Right here it is" the nurse muttered to herself.

"Is it good news?" Georgie asks.

"Well it really just depends on what way you look at it" she says back.

"Okay so let's start, my names Monica I will be Kristina's nurse through her child years until she turns 16, by then she will be mature enough to move into the adults ward. We as in doctors and nurses, have checked your samples. We all agreed that it will be a good idea if we put you on medication"

I know this is great news, and I had a flash back to when my father got told he had to go on medication as soon as possible. But he was to late.

Before Monica carried on talking she looks at Georgie, I think to make sure that she understood, I saw Georgie's head nod.

The medication we have decided to put you on it called 'Pentasa', you need to take this 3 times a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night. Please you must remember to take these as they will possibly save your life" Monica handed the medication packet to Georgie.

"If you have any problems with the medication even if you run low I will be here to help" Monica got up from her seat took it back and placed it in the pile, I watched her walk over to the door.

"Bye" she waved then left the room.

"When will I start?" I heard Kristina ask.

I turned my head to Georgie to see if she would answer.

"In the morning" I say to her.

Georgie and Kristina both look up at me.

"In the morning it is" Kristina says shooing me and Jason out of the room because she was going to sleep, I'm guessing.

"Night sis, remember our deal" Jason says to her kissing her on the forehead.

I watch Kristina roll her eyes at what Jason said, what was he talking about 'deal'?

"Bye Kristina" I said and waved to her while walking out the door with Jason.

We walked down the children's ward together, looking around and watching children as they play around and some playing games.

"What where you talking about back there about a 'deal'?" I asked Jason.

"I made Kristina make a deal with me, she listens and does everything the doctors tell her to do, and I will always be there every day"

"Ohh" I say trying my best to make it sound sweet.

We both walked past the siting area then the reception, it isn't as busy probably because its like mid night. It's freezing when I get outside, Jason saw me shiver because he put his arm round my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I look up to him and he kisses my forehead.

We both turned up at his car, my car was at the other side of the car park. Jason didn't stop when we got to his car though.

"Isn't that your car?" I questioned looking back at his car.

"Yep, but isn't that your car?" He pointed at the very back of the car park.

"I can walk myself you know" I giggled a wee bit so it didn't sound cheeky.

"I'm not letting you walk on your own again because of what happened last time"

"How did you know?" I think he was talking about Mike. I think.

"Did you really think I would of let you walk on your own, I stood at the door and watched to make sure your mum was there, that's when I saw Mike behind you. To be honest I thought it was a zombie at first" he laughed.

"And you still just stood there?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"Well I did start walking out, but it looked like you had everything under control by the time I reached you"

"So you didn't mention anything?" I was still shocked.

"Did you want me to say it in front of my sister and mum?" He said stoping when we got to my car.

"No, but-" he cut me of before I could say anything.

"Ah, looks like we're at the destination" he said hand gesturing to my car.

I huffed like a child and stomped over to my car. Jason opened my car door for me. I got in and started it up then looked up at him.

"School tomorrow" he ordered me.

"Yes, dad" I said sarcastically.

"I'm being honest Lola" he looked down at me, he reminded me of Michelle and her serious face.

"Okay, okay" I surrendered

"Bye, love you" he reached in and kissed me.

"Bye, you too" he shut the door, and I drove of. I looked in one of my mirrors and watched him walk back to his car.



I know I haven't updated a lot, I have been sick and on holiday.

So I decided that I will try my best to publish one chapter everyday, hope you have liked it so far.

Thanks for reading, Cara ❤️xx

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