Shopping arrangement & surprises

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I woke up looking around, and taking in my surroundings. I can remember what everything that happened last night. I turned my body and saw Jason with his eyes open. He turned his head to face me.

"Its cold" I moaned, cuddling into him. That's when I remember were naked. I slowly move my body away, so that its was less awkward.

"Wow" he said smiling at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"Who know that was your first time"

"Shut up" I say blushing.

He opens his mouth to say something, but is cut of bye his phone ringing. He huffs like a child and sits up on the bed. He starts putting his boxers on, then just stands up half naked, and walks over to his suit jacket. I try not to make it obvious that I'm looking, but come on if there is an extremely hot guy walking about in only his boxers would you not just sneak a peak.

"Hello?" Jason answers.

"I told you where I was...I'm at your fishing house...yes but nothing happened we were to tired...fine I'll hurry...bye". Then he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Dad?" I asked trying to read his mind.

"Yep, he thinks we slept together" he said in a joking manure.

"Why would we do such a thing" I say back sitting on the bed with the covers wrapped around me.

"You do know I saw your body all last night" he says trying to tickle me through the covers.

"I wasn't...STOP" I say laughing. I start wriggling around on the bed, trying to push his hands away.

"Okay...okay, I surrender" I say putting my hand up.

"We have to hurry my father wants me in the house in half an hour" he says serious lifting me up from the bed. I pick up my dress and underwear and start putting them on.

"I can see you" I say to Jason who keeps looking at me.

"Sorry" he says with a smirk on his face.

Once we finish getting ready we head outside to his truck and drive away leaving the building a mess inside.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Jason asks.

"Yeah I need to get out of this dress" I say back. I wonder what my mum will say when I get in.

We turn up at my house and Jason pulls over.

"Thanks for dinner" he says.

"No problem thanks for paying" I smirk at him.

"It was perfect" he said talking about last night.

"And so are you" I lean over and kiss him. "Bye" I say and exit the car. I rush up to my front door and wave goodbye to Jason.

When I get inside I see my mum, Katie and Taylor, but I can also hear a girl talking. I walk in to the living room and see Fiona crying on one of our couches.

"What going on?" I question looking at Fiona that looks back at me with a smile on her face. Everyone then turns there head.

"Great news" my mum squeals.

"What is it?" I ask walking in further.

"Your getting..." She stops.

"Carry on" I order her.

"Your brother is getting...MARRIED" she shouts at the top of her lungs.

I'm not sure if I heard that right, maybe she meant to say carried, but that wouldn't of made sense.

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