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I was expecting my mum to be annoyed when I got in;

1. Because I skipped school

2. I didn't tell her until about lunch

3. I left without telling her anything

4. I didn't update her about Kristina

I locked my car and walked up the stone path that lead to my front door. I went to go open the door, but my mum thought it would be a good idea to lock the freakin door. I got my phone out and looked for her in my contacts.

"Hello...could you open the door know I can't...thank you...bye"

I put the phone in my pocket and waited for my mum, it is really dark, it kind of reminded me of that night with Mike, I gave a small shiver from the feeling of coldness on my body. I heard the noise of keys and the lock turn from the front door, I turned around and saw my mum standing in her ankle high nude dressing gown.

"Hello sweetie" she says opening her arms out for me to hug her. I stepped in the house a bit and wrapped my arms around her feeling the warmth of her body.

"Hello mum" I used to love hugs from my mum when I was younger, and it has been ages since I got updated.

"Oh its so cold, come in" she pulled my body into the house and locked the door behind her. "I'll make you some toast" I followed her into the kitchen and took a seat in one of the high stools.

"What do you want on it?, Nutella, butter or jam" she asked waiting for the toast to pop up from the toaster. I gave it some thought, even though it wasn't a hard decision.

"Jam" I said pointing at the cupboard where the jam was in.

"That's a surprise" she said walking over to the cupboard. I knew what my mum meant, me and my sister normally always go for the chocolate option.

"I'm trying to eat healthy" I told her. She just widened her eyes at me then took the toast out of the toaster, and started spreading.

"Thanks" I said taking the toast out of her hand.

"Once you have finished that go to bed, school tomorrow" I rolled my eyes and watched her walk out of the kitchen. I finish eating my toast and put my plate into the dish washer. I turn of the lights from down stairs and make my way to my room, to get changed into my pj's.

My mum woke me up by grabbing the sheets of my bed and throwing them into the corner of my room.

"Good morning to you to" I moaned into my pillow.

"Get up your going to be late!" She shouted stomping out of my room.

I groan then lift my head up slightly and look at my alarm clock, '8:30'. School started at 9:00. I rushed up without thinking about anything, I always went for a shower in the morning but if I had to go for one this morning, it will be break by the time I get to school.

I got changed into my skinny denim jeans, and my red long sleeved jumper that had the word 'love' written on it. I get breakfast quickly then head out to my car, now it's 8:47.

I broke the speed limit to get to school on time, everybody does it, everyone that I know anyway. I parked in my usual spot just in time for the bell. I grab my bag from the passenger seat and head inside, I saw loads of seniors trying to all get into the assembly hall. I saw grace and Patrick waiting for them all to clear, so I walked over.

"Hey guys" I said to Grace and Patrick.

"Hello" they both say at the same time.

"What's going on?" I ask watching all the teens try and cram into a two door space.

"Assembly, apparently it's urgent 'very' important" Patrick said getting up from his seat and following the rest of the teens into the hall. Me and grace both followed to.

I found a seat next to Jason and Michelle, I called Grace and Patrick over so they don't feel like I'm ditching them.

"Hi" I said kissing Jason then sitting down.

The head started of with an introduction the usual.

"So as you know its getting near the end of term, which means graduation. I want everyone to be there, any excuses are not allowed" then she went on about what time to turn up at, who to bring and all of that info.

I am a little nervous about graduation, but I have a great idea for Jason.

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