Meet Jasmine

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"Right explain to me what happened again?" Michelle said flicking through all the clothes that was hanging on the rack.

"We went for dinner, he took me to his father fishing house, and we stayed the night" I shrugged, and moved to the next aisle.

"Is that your first time?" Grace asked, picking out a top.

"Yes, now can you stop asking so many questions" I whisper.

"Your A VIRGIN!" Michelle and Grace shout.

"Shut up, and I was" I shout back.

We all laugh and look around to see who heard. Once we get out the shop we were in, we all decide to get something to eat.

"Where should we go?" Grace asks trying to sort out all her tangled shopping bags.

"Have you both ever been to Starbucks?" Michelle says pointing to a shop.

"Nope" I say while helping grace with her bags.

"Come on then" she pulls us both over to a coffee shop, that was full with people.

"Three pumpkin spice lattes please" Michelle orders at the checkout.

"What are they" Grace asks Michelle.

"You'll see, go grab a seat" Michelle tells us. Me and grace pick a table with four seats round it, so we use one to put all our bags on it.

"Right try these" Michelle says placing a tray on our table with 3 lattes on it. I take one of them and take a sip.

"Are they new?" I ask tasting the delicious spicy latte.

"Yep" she says taking a gulp of hers, we both look at Grace who has cream on her upper lip.

"What?" She says looking at us both. I point at my upper lip and laugh. "Oh" she takes the hanky from the table and wipes the cream of her lip.

Once we all finish our lunch, we call it a day and head home.

"Bye" I say to Grace who was the last person I had to drop of.

Grace's house Isn't that far from Jason's so I decide to stop by. I pull over and park on the curb. I knock on his door and wait for someone to answer.

"Hello" the usual lady said with her crocked voice.

"Hi is it okay if I could come in a see Jason?" I ask her.

"Sure come in he's in the living room, wait before you go they have visitors from England there friends of his parents"

"Okay" I say walking into the hall way.

"Jason!" The lady shouts. I hear footsteps around the corner, then I saw Jason's body walk over to me.

"Lola" he says.

"Hi is it okay if I can be here, if it's not it's okay I can go"

"No" he says grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "I've just got some visitors in, but it wouldn't harm them if they got to know you" he says leading me into the living room where his mum and dad are sitting on a couch, and across from them another couple. Then sitting on the floor two boys and a girl that looks 18 or 19. The two boys look like identical twins.

"Everyone this is Lola" Jason says introducing me to everyone.

"Hello" I say awkwardly.

"Hi Lola" Jason's dad says.

"Hi" Jason takes me over to where the twins and the girl was sitting.

"Hi I'm Hanley" one of the boys says putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"And I'm Francis" the other one says doing the exact same.

"Jasmine" the girl says drawing the eyes of me.

"I'm Lola"

"We heard Jason, considering he just introduced you 2 seconds ago" Jasmine says smiling at Jason then looking at me horribly.

"O...kay" I say then look at Jason.

'Bitch got an attitude' I think to myself.

"So is 'she' your girlfriend or something" Jasmine says looking me up and down at the point she says 'she'.

"Yeah" Jason answers dryly. I hear the twins giggle from behind Jasmine.

"Quit it!" Jasmine shouts to them. They both stop as soon as they hear Jasmines strict voice.

I think I visited at the wrong time, during the conversation we had all Jasmine did was talk to Jason. I could tell Jason didn't like it because he tried include me too.

"Can you remember that time in primary when we both done pranks on the teachers in all our class and almost got expelled?" Jasmine says putting on a fake laugh. "I thought we were perfect for each other then" she says lowly, and giving Jason a wink.

I could of pounced on her right there right now, but I didn't want to put a bad influence on myself in front of Jason's parents, but I swear if she had to do anything like that again she would regret it.


Hello again,

Another chapter out for you guys hope you have liked it so far.

Thanks for reading📖❤️xx

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