2. In Comes Trouble

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I had a hard time falling asleep after the captain left, and it wasn't just because I was on a hard plankboard floor, either. The thought of being sold frightened me enough to make me cry.

I was scared and alone, and I didn't know what would happen to me after I got sold.

That night, after trying relentlessly to fall asleep, I had a dream that I got sent to a slaughterhouse after being sold and fed to pigs and other disgusting wildlife. It was a dream that stayed with me.

The next morning, I woke to the sounds of shouting and swords clashing together. At first, I thought my dream had come true, a scary thought, I know, but after seeing that I was wrong, I calmed down a bit and enjoyed the sound of something that wasn't complaining from the crew.

Oh, but the things we think before we know the horrible truth.

A nervous bead of sweat began to form on my forehead as I realized that the voices I heard were not the usual voices of the crew. They were of totally different men, but they still carried similar slag.

They were pirates. And there was a raid going on.

Oh, great! More pirates, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse!

Between shouts and curses and even more shouts, I made out the captain's voice - the same one that told me what was in my near future.

"Ah, not this time ye piece of scum!" He yelled. Not this time? So it happened before? Who in their right mind wanted to see that slimy idiot again?

And just like that, the door burst open, and a ruggedly handsome young man stepped in with enough confidence to be called a real pirate.

How many could say that? He looked like he could take over the whole world.

The man looked around my tiny dungeon until his eyes landed on me, who curled up into a little ball in the corner. He smirked.

"Ahh, a prisoner," he said. "What are the chances?"

A wise guy, huh? He wouldn't be so smart anymore if I chucked something at his pretty little head.

I could barely get a glance behind him, but what I could make out were three unconscious (or dead) men on the floor, a red liquid spilling out from them.


I looked back at the handsome stranger and mustered up all the courage I had to give him a bored look and flip him off, even though I could hear my heartbeat coming right from my chest. I was surprised he hadn't heard it yet.

The man seemed amused, his smirk growing ever so big.

"And what do you know, a feisty prisoner too, just my luck."

"Piss off," I whined, but he did just that and instead leaned against the open doorframe, crossing his arms.

The bastard was getting himself comfortable!

"Well, well," the man said with the look on his face that made you want to start sharpening your knives.

"Well, well, what?"

"I got news for you, darling."

I rose my brow curiously. "And what might that be 'kind' and 'mysterious' stranger because I'm just dying to know," I said mockingly.

His smirk widened to an amused smile.

"Darling, you just got saved by a pirate."

"You know, I got captured by one too."

"Yes, I can see that, but I'm a pirate, and here I am saving you."

I swear, I would have strangled him to death if no restraints were keeping me from it. Oh, the agony I would bring to his cocky self.

"Is that so?" I questioned, cocking my head to the side.

He gave a little nod. "Indeed."

"Well, what are you waiting for, pirate?"

He gestured behind him. "Oh, just for Fish to give me the signal. Then, we'll get ye out of here soon enough."

I frowned. "And so what? We sit here till then? Doesn't a big bad pirate want to have some fun back there?"

"Well, you see, I'm leaning against the door frame, darling, not sitting, and as for fun, I'm finished playing with my toys. They've all broken anyways."

I scowled at him, but you think that smile turned into a frown? Let me ask you this, could a monkey frown at a banana?

Probably breaking a record while doing it, I thought of all the possible ways I could end that man in less than a minute. Should I boil him alive? Feed him to a pit of fire? Maybe tie him up and leave him on an abandoned island.

Oh, so many options.

"So," the man said. "What do you think of the weather we're having? You know, I think it could be a bit warmer. October air is not my favorite here. But up north, it's a whole new story. I-"

"I don't think you've realized this, but I haven't left this room for a long, long time."

The man smirked and held his fingers to his nose. "I know you stink. What, did Captain Hunters not let you bathe? What a horrible gentleman he is for not letting the lady having the decency to cleanse herself. Truly despicable. Sorry, doll."

I had no words, so I let my face do the talking.

"Is that what you think a smile is? My oh my, does someone need a hug?"

"You know what I think, you slimeball of a human being. You son of a-"

"We're ready!" Another man shouted, interrupting my stream of unladylike curses. And to think I was making great use of the things I heard from outside my door.

The man leaning against the doorframe glanced behind him and nodded to the other man before looking back at me. "Well, darling, it looks like we'll be going," he said with a sigh.

Wonderful! Now I could go back to my crying!

But little did I know that going meant that I had to come with him. That's why when he came over to pick me up and toss me over his shoulder like a sack of flour, I kicked and screamed bloody murder.

"Put me down! Put me down right now!" I screamed, kicking him in the process, but like the cherry on top of the cake, my little actions made no reactions.

"Pipe down, you're screaming in my bloody ear," he complained, walking to the entrance.

I threw my fists at his back, but like before, it seemed to make no difference.

"I don't care about you or your ear!"

"You made that pretty clear, darling."

"How could you be so sure it's clear? You won't listen to me when I only screamed about a million times to put me down!"

Two could play that game of complaining.

"I won't put you down because I don't want to put you down. Is that not clear?"

I grumbled something while he carried me out into the blinding sunlight I hadn't seen for days.

Oh, how long it had been!

Now that I was in an environment that I could see clearly, I was able to see just how much fun the man's friends had with the other men. They had such a good time that they tied them up to masts, leaving them kicking and screaming like me!

What a world!

"Alrighty, let's get going!" The man carrying me shouted.

"Who's that?" I heard a crew member ask. He was referring to me, the girl that was over a man's shoulder, trying to find a way of escape.

He just had to be referring to me unless there was another girl on this ship tossed onto a man's shoulder.

The man carrying me chuckled. "Boys, we have a guest staying with us."

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