25. The Meal Of The Century

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"Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, breakfast is ready in an hour!" Yelled Butler whatever, pounding on the door.

I buried my face deeper into my pillow and groaned. I tried to fall back asleep, but a loud, obnoxious yawn prevented me from doing just that.

"Morning, sunshine," a sleepy Christopher said, getting up. From the corner of my eye, I watched him stretch.

I groaned a 'leave me alone,' but of course, that didn't work. The pirate laughed.

"No can do, darling. You heard him. Breakfast is in an hour. We need to get dressed."

I rolled over to my side, where I could see him. "Well, you go, I'll stay here, alright? Problem solved," and I rolled right back on my stomach.

He sighed. "I need a wife to accompany downstairs. It's not proper to leave you here." I groaned.

Bloody hell.

"Fine, but when Katherine comes around, I'm leaving your ass to fend for itself," I said. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"I count on that," he said between another loud yawn. "Now, why don't we get dressed, eh?"

"But we have no-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Your chest of clothes, sir," called a butler.

Christopher looked at the door. "Well, does that answer your question, darling?"

I got up and walked to the door, opening it up to see a big chest sitting right outside the door.

"Yes," I said, staring at it, "yes, it does.

"Great, now pull it inside, would ye?"

As I was grabbing the handle to the chest, I looked back at him with a smile. "Careful, Captain, your image is slipping."

He chuckled. "So is your perfect lady image. You do know that it's me who pulls it in and not my fragile wife, correct?"

Instantly, I dropped the chest, making it hit the floor with a loud bang. Whoops.

"And keep quiet, will you? Ladies don't make this much noise. Well, not when in the morning anyway. I can't say the same for nighttime," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked backed back into the room. "So, are you going to make a dirty joke or get the chest, pirate?"

He happily walked out into the corridor and reached down, picking up the chest. "Oh, and your form was wrong, by the way. I just thought I should let you know," he winked.

I sighed, knowing that this day was going to be a long one.


It took us the whole hour to get ready, and half of it was putting on the dress. Luckily, some ladies came in to help me with it. That was, after the forty-fourth time, I tried to tie the corset up myself. But it was my impatient fake husband that called them to help after watching me struggle.

I was going to call him out for it, but I let it go. My arms hurt too much to argue.

The ladies helped me do some other things too, like helping with my hair, although there wasn't much they could do, seeing as my hair was in an awkward bird's nest and all they could do was brush it out and put it in an updo.

Then, after everything was right and dandy, we hit the road to breakfast, where I hoped I would have another of the best meals of my life.

"What are you smiling about?" Christopher asked, looking at me sideways. Realizing my lips were curving, I tried to hide it. I didn't want the madman to know I was happy, but Christopher being Christopher, that didn't work so well.

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