37. Mothers

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"My mother," Christopher breathed, not looking at me. "That woman in the locket is my mother."

His mother. It was his mother; now, I felt stupid.

Christopher smiled to himself, not looking at me. "She looks so beautiful in that painting."

I didn't know what to say. I had no words. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, like an idiot.

But Christopher didn't seem to notice. "I was young then. Maybe five," he said. "I remember distinctly. I had gotten into a lot of trouble then." He laughed to himself, probably forgetting I was in the room with him.

He continued. "I was playing a trick on the painter while he was painting. I stole and hid a few of his brushes, and Mother had to bribe me into giving them back."

I don't know why I did it, but I asked, "What did she bribe you with?"

He looked up at me then - his eyes connecting with mine. It was almost like a ghost had spoken.

"Seeing the ships. My mother said that if I didn't behave, I wouldn't get to see the ships at the dock."

I spoke again. "Was that when you wanted to be a pirate? When your mother took you to see the ships?"

"It was."

I tried picturing him small and with is mother, excited to see the massive boats that awaited him. I tried imagining him thinking of all the adventures he would have when he was older. And it was just out of his grasp.

I could imagine his mother saying, "Christopher, don't go far, dear. It's dangerous, and you could get hurt."

And he would say something on the lines of, "I want to do that when I'm grown."

It was a funny thing to think of, but it put a smile on my face anyway. Christopher noticed my smile and returned it. "There," he said. "That's a smile."

I rolled my eyes, the smile still on my face. "Whatever you say, Topher. I'm going to wash up. We have a ball tomorrow."


I never wanted to wake up that morning. I felt at ease, and nobody was going to take that away from me.

Then a pillow hit me.

"Bloody hell," I shouted, sitting up. I glared at Christopher, who was across the room, already fully dressed and ready to go.

"It's time to get up. It's the ball."

I fell back against the sheets and groaned. "The ball is tonight, Topher. I don't have to get up until later. And could you have told me a different way than throwing a pillow at my head?"

He threw another at me.

"Okay," I said, shooting up. "Do you want my left or right hand across your face?"

He chuckled. "You would have to get up if I chose either one, darling. So please, by all means, choose whatever is convenient for the lady, milady."

Bloody hell.

I sighed but swung my legs off the bed and stood up. "Great. You ruined my morning," I said to Christopher. Christopher leaned against the wall behind him, crossing his arms. His expression giddy.

"Darling, we have a ball tonight. And since you have never been to one before, I must inform you that there is plenty to do." He paused and gestured to the wardrobe in the corner. "Especially to you, women."

"Again, with the 'you women' thing. Cut it out! I may be a woman, but that doesn't mean that-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

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