23. A Pirate's Admirer

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"Come on. We'll be called for dinner soon. Put your shoes on," Christopher said while adjusting his collar.

I rolled my eyes but slipped my shoes on. "What are we having for dinner anyway?" I asked, standing up and straightening out my dress.

Christopher turned around. "Something better than biscuits and stray meat." I laughed.

"You can say that again."

"Alright, I will. We are having something better than biscuits and stray meat."

I looked at him sideways. "You're hilarious," I said sarcastically. Christopher smiled. his teeth shining.

"I know I am. There's no need to remind me, darling." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the vanity. I looked down and found a bunch of expensive-looking perfumes (go figure.) I picked one up.

"Try it." I looked up and met Christopher's eyes in the mirror. I gave him a curious look.

"Don't you think they'll notice?"

"Of course, they'll notice, but why do you think they left it out on the open if not wanting a pretty young woman to pick it up thinking it to be a kind gesture?" He was right. God, he was always right.

I held the bottle to my nose, taking a whiff of the sweet scent inside. It was apple blossom. I liked it.

"Alright, I'll try it," I said and squirted a little on my neck and wrists.

Christopher leaned down to my neck and felt those familiar tingly goosebumps. "Hmm. Smells good on you. It complements your dress well."

I looked back at him through the mirror. "And how do you know this type of thing, Mr. Man?"

He chuckled. "I had my fair share of rich taste," he said with a wink. I scrunched up my nose.

"You have no shame, do you?"

The pirate smirked, his eyes sparkling in the light. "Nope. Not an ounce." I thought so.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Captain Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, dinner is ready. Will you be attending?" One of the many butlers asked.

I looked back at Christopher through the mirror, and he at me. "Are you ready?" He asked me.

I sucked in a breath and sighed, saying, "As ready as a proper lady should ever be." We walked hand in hand to the doors, on our way to the stage. The performance was about to begin.


"Christopher, Anne, come, find a seat!" Lady Wheat exclaimed, greeting us at the entrance of the dining room.

It was a gorgeous sight, as was the rest of the house. In the middle of the room sat a pristine table that stretched from one end of the room to the other. A beautiful white tablecloth with foods of all kinds sat on top while well-dressed people sat around it. They all turned their heads to look at us.

I bit the inside of my cheek. No one told me I would have this big of an audience.

I glanced over at Christopher, wanting to see if he shared my stage fright, but of course, the pirate was perfectly fine. What was I kidding? He loved this sort of thing. And it annoyed me all the same.

He smiled charmingly at the Lady and then turned to me. "Where would you like to sit, darling?" He said politely.

"Christopher!" A high pitched voice exclaimed. I looked around the room, but everyone seemed just as curious as I was, all except Christopher, who took a nervous step back.

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