4. Captain Topher

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"I want to have some fun."

What did that even mean? What, he wanted to play a game of cards or something? Or did he have something more sinister in mind? He was a pirate, after all. I wouldn't be surprised. But that still didn't stop me from imagining the worse.

"Men!" The captain yelled, still in my face. Was he trying to make my ears bleed? "Get in positions! It's time to set sail!" With that, the men scattered and did as told.

What obedient servants.

"Enjoy the view," the captain teased before getting up and walking away, but he wasn't going to get away from me that easy.

"You know, I'd prefer the view of your dead body!" I shouted back, but instead of throwing back a witty pun, he answered me in silence. So what, then, he chose not to talk?

"Did you hear me? I said, your dead body!" Silence.

Bloody hell.

I heaved a sigh. Excellent, I was trapped, again. Maybe I should make that hobby. I was pretty good at getting captured by arrogant pirate captains. It did seem like my thing, but it's not very fun - not in the least.

Behind me, I heard the crew get to work. Some pulled down and adjusted the sails while others hauled up the resting anchor from the water.

I didn't know where the captain went, probably off to murder puppies he locked into his room somewhere, but who cared? He was gone.

Soon, my ship began to pull away from the other and cast out onto the vast blue sea of the Atlantic, getting me farther and farther away from shore.

I will admit, I felt better out there than I did in that little room. At least tied up, I could see where I was going, but my only concern was the bad weather that could come. Would those filthy pirates leave me stranded out there, tied up when there was a monster storm?

You couldn't be too sure with a mischievous pirate captain as that one.

Once out to sea, I looked out ahead at the big open ocean and yawned. With the events that took place that day, I couldn't help but feel drained. I did need the rest.

He did say relax, didn't he? Well, I was going to do just that.


"Wakey, wakey," a voice said, waking me up. I groaned but kept my eyes sealed shut, trying to fall back asleep. But whatever or whoever was making the noise kept right on it.

"Wake up," the source said, poking my shoulder and earning another groan from me.

I guess the source got irritated because it moaned, "Come on, open your eyes!"

"Go away," I said and turned my head.

"Fine, if you tell me you don't want something to eat, then I'll go away, alright? Can you do that, darling?"

At that moment, I popped open my eyes and turned my head to find who else, but the bloody captain who still didn't have a name yet. Was he ever going to tell me?

The bloody pirate had a biscuit in his hand, probably hard as a rock, but, hey, still food, but it gave me an idea.

"Ooh, dinner," I smiled, batting my lashes. "Hey, you think you could untie me so I can eat that? I'd sure appreciate it."

Maybe I could hide somewhere on the ship and hope I won't get found, and when we reached shore, I could escape! Ha, brilliant! I was great with hiding when I didn't want to do chores, so why not?

But the captain chuckled. "Now, why on earth would I do that when ye get the special treatment of a hand-fed meal?"

"Because you're a kind and a gentleman and would do as the lady asks?"

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