39. A Handsome Handsome Pirate's Stare

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I stared back at myself in the mirror, and I couldn't believe what I saw. The girl in the mirror couldn't be me. She was too beautiful and too perfect to be me.

She wore the same golden-colored dress I tried on earlier. She had the same green eyes that I had and the same yellow hair I did. The only difference between the girl and I was that this one looked like she belonged here, whereas I didn't - did.

I was that girl now. I was the one that looked like she belonged here, and now I had to act as I did.

"If you don't mind me saying so, miss, you look beautiful," Marie said while brushing my hair. I smiled back at her.

"Thank you, Marie." She blushed and continued to brush. Then, she pinned my hair up to a neat updo and reached in her uniform pocket, pulling out a silver flowered hairpin.

"That Lady said this should complement your dress, miss," she said, pinning in my hair.

I smiled as it twinkled in the light. What an attractive feature it was.

Marie reached for the necklace Lady Wheat (or Katherine) had given me on the vanity table and put it on my bare neck. Finally done, she smiled at me happily. "There, miss. You look wonderful."

I thanked her and stood up, looking at myself one more time before turning to her. "Is my husband down there?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, as well as the other guests, miss. I believe the Lady is downstairs as well."

Well, here we go then.

I thanked her one more time before departing from my bedroom and walking down the corridor to the staircase, all while trying not to panic.

They were only people. The people downstairs weren't vicious animals ready to kill. They were dignified gentlemen and ladies.

Once at the staircase, I looked down. People seemed to be going in one direction, the direction of the ballroom, I assumed, so down I went. I instantly joined the moving wave of people, all making their way to one specific room where well-dressed and rude people couldn't wait to get to the free food and drinks.

That was the only thing I was excited about anyway. Who cared about dancing when there was the food? If it weren't for the blasted corset I was wearing, I would stuff my face, but it looked like I had to make due only to small appetizers.

What a shame.

The ballroom was a sight to see with tall red walls and a dangling crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. There was an orchestra in the corner, playing cheerful and lively music and even a food table dedicated to sweets and little treats.

Yes, I was in heaven. And you better believe that the food table wasn't going to be lonely tonight.

Standing at the room's entrance, I looked around the packed room for Christopher, hoping that maybe he would save me from my awkwardness.

Luckily, I spotted him near a group of gentlemen, or instead, he spotted me. He was staring straight at me with a smile on his face. And neither he nor I looked away from each other.

I couldn't move, and I couldn't breathe, and it wasn't just because if the tight corset I was wearing.

I blushed hard. Christopher looked so unbelievably attractive. So handsome, so godlike. He somehow made the tailcoat he was wearing look good instead of the other way around. I didn't even think that was possible until now - until I was looking at him.

But he stood, freshly shaved, bathed, and dressed, all in a matter of an hour or two.

I felt embarrassed then - staring, I mean. I felt like a fool. And I guess Christopher felt that way too because he broke eye contact with me and came over, a bright Christopher smile on his face.

Saved By The Pirate (Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin