43. Held Captive

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My head hurt as soon as my eyes flew open, and with that, the turning of my stomach. I felt sick, really sick, and I needed water.

But when I sat up, I finally became aware of my surroundings, and they weren't the surroundings of the bedroom I've become so familiar with since my time at the mansion.

Instead, I was in a shabby little room, similar to the one I slept in on Christopher's ship. Christopher. He wasn't here. I was alone in a strange bedroom without him, in a small bed made for one.

I racked my brain for everything that had happened from what I could remember: Daniel, the kiss, the kidnapping. It all came back.

My heart pounded, remembering the kidnapping. Was this where the man brought me? Like the room on Christopher's ship, it was small and dim lited. The walls and floor were wood, and there were only a few items in the room with me like the bed I was sitting on at the moment.

The bed. What had happened while I was sleeping? With a shaking hand, I picked up the sheet over me and made sure everything was as it was before and was relieved to find that it was.

I let out a sigh and biting my cheek; I looked down what I was wearing. It was the same gown I had from the ball, only it felt lighter, and the loose strings of my dress and corset told me why.

Whoever was my kidnapper, took extra care into making me comfortable so I could breathe.

Though that fact alone gave me a small comfort, it didn't answer the questions I had regarding my kidnapper nor my kidnapping. And there was still the matter of Christopher - the man I kissed only a short time ago. Did he know I was here? Who kidnapped me? But more importantly, was he coming for me?

The door opened, and I rushed to cover myself with the few sheets and blankets on the bed, hoping whoever opened the door wouldn't get any ideas.

I prepared myself for the worse, and what I got was the worse. Standing in the doorway was Daniel, plain as could be with a glass of water in his hand. I was between relieved and frightened as I faced him, not knowing what to do. But Daniel, seeing my loss for words, spoke for me.

"I brought you some water," he said, handing me the glass. Part of me was still cautious. I glanced at the glass and back at him. What if this was poisonous?

"I didn't drug it if that's what you were thinking," he said with a small amused smirk.

Like how you didn't drug that cloth, you held to my face?

Choosing not to say anything, I glanced at the glass once more and grabbed it, my thirst and pounding head winning me over.

The hell with death, I felt dead inside anyway.

I slugged the water down, letting the liquid put out the fire burning in my throat. Once down, I set the glass on the table beside me and gazed up at Daniel, who watched me.

Trying to be brave, I asked one of the many questions I had. "Where am I?"

Daniel answered me right away. "You're on a ship heading to America."

I was on a ship to America. That was far from where I was, far apart from Christopher, who probably didn't even know where I was. And that probably explained my headache with the rocking of the ship.

The next question slipped out with me, even realizing it. "Why?"

This time, Daniel took more time to answer, deciding on the right words to say. "I told you," he said, sounding serious. "I love you, and I'm trying to prove to you that you love me too. We are going to America to start a new life, you and me. Didn't you say you wanted to travel? See the world?"

Anger seeped through me. He did this to prove his love for me? This man was not the man I grew up with all these years ago.

"Have you gone mad? You kidnapped me to prove I love you? Daniel, do you know how that sounds!" I screamed at him, getting up from the bed, my feet hitting the bare floor.

My sudden emotion didn't faze him, though. Instead, he welcomed it, letting me yell at him.

"I'm not some animal that you can lock away, Daniel. I'm a bloody person! You've taken this thing way to far; I'm on a ship for Christ's sake! Look at yourself, Daniel! Look at me!"

He acted then, stalking forward and grabbing me by the shoulders. I let out a small yelp as he looked me right in the eye.

"I know what I'm doing. Believe me."

"Believe you!" I yelled. "You kidnapped me, Daniel. Think about that for a moment. You could get arrested for this. You're a decorated officer if you haven't noticed!"

"Not if I have good intentions. I know what you feel, Anne. I know I'm not crazy. I have known you since we were children. I know I'm right about this." He shouted the last sentence, confirming his belief.

He thought he knew what he was doing. He kidnapped me, knowing what he was doing.

"Who are you?" I whispered, looking at him, hurt.

His voice quieted as well, his blue eyes still piercing through mine. "I am the man you love - the man who loves you back." He then let me go, walking to the door.

"There is a change of clothes on the chair. Get changed, and I'll get you something to eat." And then he left, shutting the door behind him, leaving me and my heart empty and alone.


I changed into those damn clothes. I didn't want to change, but I couldn't tie my dress or corset up, and I didn't feel like asking for help, so Daniel left me no choice.

He left me a simple long-sleeved dress he bought. I blushed to see that he also purchased some undergarments.

I put the clothes on fast in case he would walk back into the room. I tucked everything I had before under the bed, rolling the necklace and hairpin inside the gown.

Then, I undid my hair from the updo it was in and let my dirty blonde waves flow onto my shoulder in a tangled mess, running my fingers through them.

Satisfied, I climbed back on top of the bed and waited for Daniel to return. He didn't leave me waiting long because, after a minute or two, I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't know why maybe to tell myself that the man behind the door was still my friend or because I was lonely, but I let him into my room again. I let him into my life, and I let him in, carrying a bowl of broth.

I watched him as he set the bowl down on my bedside table and sat down in the empty chair in the corner. I watched him just as he did me, trying to comprehend that this was once my friend and he had betrayed me.

"The broth I brought you will keep you warm. You're whiter than a ghost, and hopefully, this will put some color back on you," Daniel said.

I didn't reach for the broth even though I wanted to. Though I was cold and hungry, I couldn't bring myself to eat. So, I watched Daniel.

Seeing my lack of movement, Daniel, concerned. "You need to eat." The words were strong, and they were commanding, and I found myself becoming like one of his soldiers and reached for the bowl.

He didn't give me a spoon, so I held it to my lips. I drank it slowly, letting the warm liquid stream down my throat and into my empty belly until I finished.

I placed the bowl back on the table and used my sleeve to wipe my mouth, becoming once again myself and not the lady I trained myself to be.

Daniel looked satisfied and smiled either because I obeyed his order or because, as he said, he cared for me and that I was in better health.

"You should get some rest," he said, rising from his sear. He took the bowl and looked at me for a second before leaning down, using his free hand to cup my cheek.

I didn't move, I was too terrified to do such a thing, but I looked up, feeling my eyes dampen. Daniel pressed a small kiss on my head, barely a peck before letting go and walking to the door, bowl in hand.

"Goodnight," he said and shut the door, leaving me once again, alone.

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