22. Killer Humor

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I curtsied. "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

"As of you, Mrs. Taylor. It's nice to see Christopher had found himself a lovely woman such as yourself, to keep his bed warm late at night," the green-eyed man winked.

What now?

His wife acted immediately and slapped him on the arm. "James!" She exclaimed. "Where are your manners!" My cheeks reddened. My God, what evil had Christopher spread to this poor man?

Beside me came a muffled chuckle. I turned my head and shot a dirty look at my so-called husband.

Bloody pirate.

"Is everything alright, dear?" I sneered. Christopher calmed himself and stood up straight.

The Lord, who had also laughed himself to death, stood up straighter, trying to restrain himself while his wife sighed with relief.

Christopher's gloved hand found its way at the small of my back yet again. "Yes, darling," Christopher said. "I just had something caught in my throat, that's all."

Yeah right.

I mentally rolled my eyes and turned back to the Lord and Lady. "My apologies, Anne, my husband, can get wild when Christopher comes to visit. Isn't that right, James?" Lady Wheat said, touching her husband's shoulder.

Lord Wheat looked back at his wife, thinned his lips, and then looked back at Christopher and me. "Yes, Christopher does get me a bit what you call... wild," he chuckled and slapped his hand on Christopher's shoulder. "But, he does make me feel young again."

Beside me, Christopher smirked, while I was having a hard time trying not to murder him in the next two to three seconds.

After a few moments of standing in admiration of the Terrific Topher, the Lord called Walter over. "Take our guests to their room." He turned to us. "Any luggage my men can carry?"

Christopher shook his head in an instant. "I'm afraid not; our luggage got lost coming back from America, and we had no time to search for any other clothing. If it's alright with you, my Lord and Lady, we'd like to go shopping tomorrow."

Did he say America? What was he doing over there?

Lady Wheat shook her head. "Don't be silly; we have plenty of clothes for you both. I'll have our servants bring up a few chests. And Anne?"

I blinked. "Yes?"

She smiled. "I believe my daughter, Katherine, has a few dresses you can borrow and some lady maids. I'm sure Katherine would be delighted to have a new friend!"

I hope so.

"I'm sure she will," Christopher said, looking down at me with that devilish smirk I knew all too well. He was hiding something, I just knew it. "Where is she anyway?"

"Oh, in her room, of course. You know her, always trying on the latest fashion. I can't wait for the line of suiters that will be knocking on our door to take her hand in marriage. Oh, what a beautiful bride she will make! And with all the hard work she has done over the year or pampering herself!"

She sounded like a brat to me, but what was that now about hard work?

Lady Wheat clasped her hands together. "She will make a perfect wife!" Or a perfect pet.

"I'm sure she will. Make for a perfect bride, that is. Perhaps we'll see her at dinner?" Christopher said. The Lady shook her head.

"I'm afraid not, dear. Katherine had been raving about the latest diet, which prohibits one not to eat. She said all the ladies in Paris have been doing it and that she should try it. I don't like the sound of it, but I trust her, of course."

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