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The days pass by so fast. There's so much to learn in a day. I write. It's my passion. As I sit here and type these very words you are reading a part of my soul. That's how important this is to me. This is sequal prior to Venture. Venture being the first book. Atonement being the Second and this being the third. Don't worry you can start here. It's not like the poetry is effected. It still has the same meaning as it always has if not more the more you read it. Theonly think you would have to catch up on are the characters or the people I know of. There will be letters, poems, entries, and ect in the folowing. Just be warned that you will be reading my feelings so if you have something to say please consider who is reading this book. This is explosed. Think before you speak. In this case though, I won't be. I write what comes to mind. If you want to say something personal you may. Message me if you want but otherwise keep your thoughts to youself or comment. Thank you in advance, Danieljames Domar

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora