17. The nightclub 2.0

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This part is a continuation of chapter 16. It was just too long I decided to split it into two parts.

Not for the faint of heart. Mature content ahead.


Here's what I didn't get while he and I walked to his car. Why the bloody hell did he look so angry? I was the victim as far as victims go. I was the one supposed to be angry since he basically abducted me out of my first-time nightclub experience, but there we were, me in front, him behind like he was trying to prevent any attempt at escaping I might have had.

Only once we were completely out and further away from the entrance did he overtake me without so much as a glance, galloped his way to his car, opened his door, got in, and proceeded to switch it on.

I had to roll my eyes at his display of bipolar disorder. Still, I followed and got in the car none the less, and the journey back to my house began. Silently.

"Hey, you missed the turn to my street."

That was me exclaiming for the first time after driving for nearly twenty-five minutes without speaking, only to see the turn to my street pass by behind us without him taking it.

"I'm not taking you to your house."

He didn't even bother turning his head towards me as he declared he was quite possibly kidnapping me.

"We need to get that hand of yours cleaned."


Wait, what? My head spun to the side of my hand only to see a considerable hand-print and some bruises around the place where the other guy had grabbed me.

"Oh my God, I haven't even seen this." Turning my hand this way, and that way, I tried to assess the damage done to me. He didn't bother to answer. In fact, he didn't say anything else the whole way to wherever he was taking me and knowing him, I decided to keep quiet as well.

Finally, after another agonizing long silence, Logan slowed down the car and parked in front of a jaw-dropping two-story house. When I say jaw-dropping, I'm not even exaggerating I swear. The house was just perfect. Bright, like it was welcoming everybody to watch. The front porch was huge enough to fit another house but still very well maintained. The whole ground had well-trimmed grass, save for two different stone paths on either side of the entrance creating some sort of an over shape on the ground.

"This is your house?"

He threw me a look with just a little turn of his head as if he was wondering what was so special about it.

"Yeah, come on, let's go."

I followed him through the stone path and in front of his front door. There, he fished out his house key from his pocket and opened the door. My eyes never stopped roaming around, taking in the details of every corner of the house that I could see.

"After you," he said, tipping his head towards the open door.

I took a step inside, and oh man, I think from the external I should have expected the interior to be twice as much if not more beautiful. Modern, I think is the word. Everything was so modernized with dark plush sofas and plush carpets. The organization of everything inside was definitely made by a professional interior designer. Not a single thing was out of place.

Logan led me to what I would describe as a sitting area, showed me where to sit then without another word, disappeared through a set of double doors leaving my curious eyes to wander around, and boy did I wander. I took in the information of every corner like a hacker on a mission.

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