31. Revelations and Unexpected surprises.

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Ethan's mom had raised a proper gentleman.

Why do I say that?

Because even after catching me ogling him like a freak, he didn't call me out. He only smiled at me after the awkward sorry I said to him and walked to sit on his chair.

"God, you look even better than the last time I saw you."

He said this once he was properly seated. For a second there, his eyes did a once over, but just before they could settle back into my own eyes, he averted them and turned around to gesture for the waitress passing by our table.

"Could you please bring us a menu?"

Okay, so I knew Ethan was a good-looking guy since the day I met him, but the way the waitress was gawking at him was over the top if you ask me. Seriously, the way her eyes widen was something that made me want to laugh.

"So, how have you been?" He asked once the awe-struck waitress was gone.

"I've been good. How about you? You are the one who seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth." I smiled.

He chuckled and scratched the side of his head. "Sorry about that," he said. "It wasn't my intention. I got called out to participate in an international horse riding in Japan. It was a last-minute thing I wasn't able to do anything. I wanted to call you so badly but I couldn't. Then, my phone got lost along with your number."

Japan, wow. The surprise on my face must have been visible because his cheeks turned a little pink. He opened his mouth to say something but stop because the waitress came back with our menus.

She first gave the menu to Ethan and stood there gazing at him with the most love-struck, lingering puppy-eyed look and what must have been her best flirtatious smile. Ignoring me altogether.

I sat there staring at her. Some nerves she had. Seriously, there are things sometimes no matter how deep their roots are inside you, you just have to try and suppress them as much as you could. Especially in a place of work. That girl seemed to have never heard of any moral, work ethics. I was sitting right there. What If I was his girlfriend?

Finally, realizing she had a job to do, she turned towards me and gave me a very brief once over from my head to my toes as if sizing me up and handed me the menu.

I hated her straight away.

I hated the way she looked at me and the way she had dismissed me like I was nothing in her eyes. She turned back towards Ethan and with her right hand, she clasped the hem of her top and yanked it down to expose more of her already exposed cleavage.

A pang of heat struck deep down my guts. I wasn't sure why I felt that and I didn't like it. At the time, I thought it must have been the fact that she was doing all the flirting in front of me. It wasn't. More on that topic later because if I decide to start on it now, it will take us all night and I can't sit all night. My joints are already screaming at me.

"Anything you need, handsome?"

I straight away hated her voice, and the fact she tried to stick her cleavage closer to him made my hate towards her to gain new momentum.

Ethan, on the other hand, and I'm saying this because that really earned him more points to me, couldn't look more disinterested. He only briefly looked at her, then looked back at me before throwing me a dashing smile.

I smiled back. Take that, cleavage girl.

"No, thanks. I'm sure once the lady here has what she needs, we will call back."

The love-struck waitress demeanor visibly changed before she turned to me and sneered my way. Without adding anything else, she stomped back to wherever she had come from.

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