25. The Bad-Ass side of Me.

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I'd like to say I wasn't nervous at all. That I was that strong, independent girl that I always admired when getting what she wanted. But even as I stood in front of Logan's front door, my bellies churned inside.

I could have just turned around and left, but the problem was, the part of me that up to a point I walked to his front door feeling all kinds of self-assurance had already pressed the doorbell.

Thank God, Logan didn't keep me waiting long. He opened the door and stood outside like he had seen a ghost. Maybe I was a bloody Ghost. Who knew?


"Hi." I gave a single, hard, wave of my hand before I shoved my way past him and entered inside his house. Apparently, my confident side had returned. "We need to talk."

"Um, yeah sure." He followed behind me. "Definitely. But I got to warn you, just hear me out, okay? Its-"

"What the fuck! Amelia. Seriously? What the actual fuck are you doing here again?"

Before Logan could finish whatever he wanted to warn me about, he was interrupted. I couldn't help but throw my hands up when I saw the person who interrupted him. Just like Yesterday, Charlotte was here again.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked Logan.

"No." He raised his hands in front of him and vigorously shook them before he took a step closer to me. "I can explain!"

"Okay, please do." I crossed my hands against my chest. "I would so much like to understand this."

"No, you don't," Charlotte hissed just before she shot forward and put her hands in front of Logan to prevent him. "Amelia, this is the last time I'm gonna tell you this, so listen closely. Get-the-fuck out of here, and I don't ever wanna see your ugly face again."

I probably didn't know this when I walked in front of Logan's front door and into his house, but I think it's been there a while now. The anger. Hearing Charlotte speak to me like that again, just gave it a spark and it boiled deep in my chest like hot lava.

I was angry at myself for letting her walk all over me like she owned me. I was angry at Logan for allowing it to happen this long, and I was angry at the entitled Charlotte for thinking she owned Logan.

She didn't.

He wasn't a property and even if he was, he would have belonged to me. He told me so himself, thank you very much.

For the first time, I allowed my anger to consume me. I needed it If I wanted to come on top of the situation. I shot forward as well, and with as much conviction as I could master, I spat. "No, I'm not leaving. I left yesterday, and now I'm not going anywhere until I get answers."

Charlotte's face turned red with anger. I stood my ground even when her eyes almost spat fire. "Logan? Please tell her to leave. She needs to leave."

"No," he said. "Amelia stays. You, on the other hand, Charlotte, you need to Leave."

If somebody would have dropped a bird's feather right at that moment, I'm sure we would have all heard it. That's how quiet it got. I looked at Logan, Charlotte looked at Logan. Logan looked at Charlotte.

"What?" Both Charlotte and I asked at the same time.

"You heard me! It's been over between us for ages. But you keep showing up here and pretend we are still together. We are not. Not anymore, and I can't keep doing this with you. So please, just leave."

"Oh, come on, Logan. You know you don't mean that."

For somebody who had just been told to leave, Charlotte sure knew how to dig her manipulative little fingers into a guy.

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