56. Never-ending pools of watering eyes.

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Remember all that talk just a few minutes ago about me being able to take over the world and face the devil himself if I had to, and everything would be fine just because Logan had taken my hand on his and winked at me and because of that, all was gonna be good in the world again because we would take it on together etcetera etcetera?

Well, forget all that.

All of that flew right out of the window.

The moment I locked eyes with Suzy's still crazed and bloodshot eyes, my legs lost all the strength I thought they had. My heartbeat spiked right back up and stabbed at my chest like the way the end of an arrow would stab at a surface, and it hurt.

As if he could feel how powerless I had become, Logan squeezed my hand and hold me tighter. He didn't have to turn to look at me, but I understood he meant to be my shield if he had to.

I thanked him for that. Really. Silently, but I was thankful. But you see the thing is, even though he was there morally and all, he couldn't really do much about the turmoil with me. That's how it is. Your friends can be there to help you face your worst, but when the time actually comes, you will have to walk the rest yourself. That problem was between me and Suzy. Our friendship was on the spiking rocks and only the two of us had the power to take it out of there.

"Okay, let's get this thing going." Logan pulled out a chair next to Leo and gestured for me to sit. If you looked at it without giving a thought, you would think nothing of it. But apparently, the moment we walked in, Logan had already thought of a strategic seating plan.

Here's how he did it.

Where he sat me, he made sure I was one seat away from Suzy, separated by Leo between us. Where he sat, he made sure he was next to me, effectively separating me and Luke using himself. I guess he trusted me to sit close to Leo but not to Luke. Luke and Suzy were left having to seat next to each other whether they wanted to or not. And to be honest, I don't think he gave a damn about it. They could crawl each other's face off for all he cared.

"Now that we are all here." He cleared his throat. "What the fuck is going on?"

Nobody answered.

Suzy crossed her arms against her chest and pulled her lips to the side in a sneer.

Luke slumped his back on his seat, one arm on top of the table, and almost absently, started to tap his fingers on the said table.

Logan raised his eyebrows as if asking 'Really? Nobody has anything to say?' and looked at all of us in turn, and Leo.

Well, Leo finally broke the silence, and boy did he break it with the bang!

"Since nobody here seems to want to start, I will." He crossed both his hands on the table. "Here's what I know so far. You two." He gestured between Suzy and I. "Are apparently no longer talking and from where I'm sitting, it looks like you are enemies now. You two." He gestured between me and Logan. "Are evidently still together, and prospering.

You two." He pointed to Logan and Luke. "You two... I don't know what the fuck is your relationship status after everything that happened, yet, and you two." He finally pointed between Luke and me. "You two started all this shit show by deciding to collide lips together. I don't give a damn about what the reason was. I will get to that latter. What I'm doing now is merely pointing out what got us here in the first place. Now that that is out of the way, let's discuss."

"It didn't mean anything," I almost yelled, and turned to my friend before I took a deep breath. "Suzy, you are my friend. You know me better. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

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