35. Secrets behind cellphones.

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I experienced my first orgasm.

It was euphoric.

The fact that Logan was the one who showed me that side of myself added more to the sensation. I fell for him a little more.

He'd laid down beside me after my experience, pulled my head against his chest, and let me fall asleep.

I'm not sure how long I slept for, but when my eyes slowly fluttered open, I was alone on the bed. Through the window, I could see the dull skies outside, ready to welcome the night.

"You're awake."

I whirled my head to the door as Logan walked in. A glass of water on one hand, and a huge grin on his face.

I grinned back and propped myself up to a sitting position, making sure to pull the bed covers against my naked body.

"So?" He extended to me the hand with a glass of water and sat in front of me. The smirk plastered on his lovely lips got my cheeks to turn a rosy shade.

'Ahem,' I cleared my throat and tipped the glass of water against my lips to cover the blush that I was sure was visible by now. I knew what must have been going through his head.

Believe me, I wanted to re-live every second of what happened between us but not in front of him, and most certainly not while I was still naked.

"That was something, right?"

Logan was doing that on purpose. I knew he could see how hard I was trying to hide my embarrassment. His smirk never stopped. The glass of water wasn't enough to cover my increasing blush anymore, so I pulled the bed covers to my face to hide myself.

"Logan, please, " I mumbled inside the bed covers. "Just talk about something else."

"C'mon, just tell me." He patted my leg and tugged the bed covers away from my face. "Your first orgasm, must have been quite a scene, wasn't it?"

I dragged the bed covers away from my face just enough to see his eyes crinkling in suppressed laughter.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I pressed my lips in a film line in a feeble attempt to look like I wasn't on the verge of smiling myself.

"Okay, fine. I'll stop asking. " He let out the kind of chuckle that got my skin crawling as he got up from the bed. "I'll be downstairs, yeah? I'm working on something, so just come down when you're ready."

I watched him walk back to the door and open it. But just before he took a step outside, he turned his head over his should and said, "Just admit it though, you enjoyed it." He threw me a wink, turned around and closed the door behind him. His chuckles reached my ears as his footsteps retreated.

I listened. Making sure the sound of his feet disappeared completely, and only then, I allowed myself to laugh. He was right. I did enjoy it. Much more, I loved it. Every single part of it.

Deciding it was high time I get my body dressed, I got out of his bed and looked around for my discarded clothes. I found them, one piece at a time from different areas.

I was halfway through putting the last piece of clothing, which happened to be my jeans when a loud, repetitive vibration erupted from Logan's dresser.

I hopped towards it, one leg up in the air and the other inside my jeans as my eyes searched for the sound.

I found it. Logan had left his phone and it was ringing.

Hurriedly, I finished wearing the rest of my jeans and took a peep at the screen on his phone. Great, now I sound nosy. I promise I wasn't. I didn't take a peep because I wanted to snoop. Okay, maybe a little, but truly, you can't look at a ringing phone without checking the screen.

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