30. Ethan.

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So... It ended before it really began.

Kidding. It didn't end, at the time I wasn't sure what the hell to think, but it felt like I had lost him somewhere in the deep darkness and I didn't know how to pull him out.

One thing I can tell you is that I was tired and I didn't know why. I didn't do anything that would have made me feel like that, but I was exhausted. Both mentally and physically.

The moment I opened the door to enter my house, mom came rushing towards me. "Honey, Amelia? Oh God, I was calling your phone a hundred times. Why were you not picking? I was so worried. I almost called the poli- Amelia, what's wrong?"

The only reason she could have stopped short like that from the barrage of questions was to the account of my face. I wasn't crying or anything like that, but I imagine I must have looked like a zombie with no sense of direction.

So, there she stood, her eyes wide darting all over my face in concern. Her stance rigid, like she wasn't sure whether to approach me fully just yet, or to stand where she was, but seeing her, she felt like a strength I needed and without any warning, I ran to her and flung my arms around her torso.

"Oh, mom."

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Everything. Everything was wrong, and I didn't know where to start. I knew I wanted to tell her. I needed her advice.

"I have so much to tell you, mom."

She ran her right hand behind my back over and over, soothing me.

"Okay, just come sit down with me, yeah? Then you can tell me everything."

She took my hand and led me to sit on the couch in our living room before she propped herself next to me.

"What's going on, baby?" She asked and took both my hands on hers.

I slumped against the couch before I let go of mom and ran my hands over my face. I was still not sure where to start. A lot happened in a span of a few hours and everything seemed to be upside down.

And then I got it.

"I have a boyfriend." I peeked at her through my lashes.

The mom that I knew would have lit up like a Christmas tree upon hearing the news she always wanted to know about. But maybe the way I said it or something on my face got her to sit still.

"And is this boyfriend the reason you came home like this?"

I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the long story I was gonna tell her, but the several different changes in her facial expressions got me to stare at her.

The first expression was pretty basic I would say. She raised eyebrows. But the next moment that was replaced by the furrowing of her forehead, followed by the widening of her eyes and the last one was a flicker of horror on her eyes.

"Oh, my God." She raised both her arms and placed them against her mouth. "Oh-My-God. No. Amelia, did he do something to you? Please tell me he didn't do anything bad to you."


For a moment I was confused about why she was panicking. I hadn't told her anything to panic about. But when I finally understood what must be going through her mind, I reached out and took her hands on mine just like she had done for me a few minutes ago.

"Mom, no. God, no," I said, making sure to look her straight into her eyes for emphasis. "He didn't do anything like that. Logan is great. It's nothing like what you think, I promise."

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