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Here it is guys (: the little blast from the past like I promised! It's not as long as my previous chapters, but I hope that you enjoy it anyways ❤️

Adriana's POV

"Are we excited?" the medical assistant walking along the right of me asked cheerfully as my oldest brother Fernando pushed me down the hall, in a wheelchair that really wasn't necessary.

I broke my ankle not that long ago and I had a doctor's appointment today to finally remove the cast that's been attached to my right foot for the past seven weeks, and let me tell you they sure as hell have been the longest seven  weeks of my life.

To say that I was excited was a big understatement of how happy I actually was to be able to see my beautiful foot again. I had been walking fine around the house for the last couple weeks; I don't know why Fernie insisted that I get a wheelchair today.

"Oh yeah," I scoffed as we continued to stroll down the hall.

The medical assistant comes to a stop and  guides us into a room with the number four in the middle of the door, she opens it widely, stepping to the side, allowing my brother to push me in.

She kindly asks me to step onto the bed and although I don't need it my brother helps me out of the chair and onto the bed.

I'm the baby out of my siblings, I have two older brothers and to say that they were a bit overprotective would also be an understatement.

Actually both my mother and brothers have done nothing but smoother me more than usual these past few weeks, especially after everything that happened with Elliot.

Elliot Elijah Smith.

My ex.

The man I once believed who was the love of my life, boy was I wrong.

Elliot and I met during my first few months of college and dated for about almost two years, he was my first serious relationship, and about a year and three months in he slowly started to change, he became physically abusive.

I should've left the first time it happened, I was naive, I thought i was in love, I was stupid for not having left when my mom started seeing the signs, but i was scared, of two things actually.

I was afraid of what Elliot would do if I tried to leave him, I was afraid of what my brothers would do when they found out I was in an abusive relationship, especially Fernando, him and I are so close and he always had the need to protect me, not that it matters now.

Elliot wasn't always abusive though, he was actually kind, passionate, a total gentleman, it's what made me fall in love with him.

He didn't start to change until after he proposed to me and I just so happened to turn him down because I felt like it was too soon.

Everything went downhill from that day on, something changed inside of him, he had it set in his mind that I was seeing other guys behind his back, that I was actually sleeping with someone else and that's why I didn't want to marry him.

I stayed with him regardless of his accusations, trying to make things work, he eventually asked me to move in with him, to prove that I loved him, that I didn't have anyone else, and like an idiot I agreed.

Elliot came from a pretty wealthy family, he instantly got us an apartment a couple minutes away from school, but sadly I lived about half an hour away from home.

It didn't really make a difference because I was already living outside of my mom's house, I was living in an apartment with two other girls, one being my best friend, and always went home on the weekends, but little by little that started to change. I would go weeks without seeing my mother, days without talking to her, I started feeling lonely.

The Mafia's Son II Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ