06: The First Challenge

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THE ISLANDERS ALL HUDDLED INTO THE BEDROOM, after changing into their night attire

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THE ISLANDERS ALL HUDDLED INTO THE BEDROOM, after changing into their night attire. Sophie and Leanne were the only two who didn't give a toss about their look for tonight as the two girls would be sharing a bed together.

Ash, on the other hand, was excited.
Yes, it was only to go to sleep, but now she would have the comfort of sharing a bed with someone— finally! Of course, she made sure her girls, Siânnise and Sophie, were comforted enough before she could relax, because I mean if your friends aren't happy, how you gonna sleep at night?

Ashlyn Miller walked into the bedroom, already seeing Luke Mabbott and Trotman on her bed. However, at the sight of the girl in a pair of short, cute pyjamas, Luke M cut the act of messing about with his friend, and gave the girl a massive grin. "Hello."

"Hello," she retorted back, laughing when Trotman had turned around so quickly to see who his boy was talking to. She was surprised he hadn't pulled a muscle in bud neck.

He backed away from his bro, doing a handshake with his friend before retiring to his bed with Rebecca. Siânnise had already put her sleeping mask on to hide the view of them in the bed next to hers.

Ashlyn had climbed onto the bed and sat on her knees as she looked down in fake irritation of Luke M. He was sprawled out on the bed, lying shirtless in his grey joggers as he hugged her pillow on her side of the bed.
"Are you gonna move over?" She asked.
"Are ya not?" She raised an eyebrow, putting her water bottle down on the bedside table. Luke was smiling, he was still hyper from fighting with Luke Trotman.

Already, Ashlyn had begun fighting for her side of the bed by trying to move Luke over by his arms. Of course, that was nearly impossible, her tiny hands wrapped around his wrists wouldn't do anything for her. Paige and Finn laughed from the other side of the room as Shaughna made an appearance from the beauty room.

Ashlyn was tired, despite laughing, she could feel the exhaustion taking a toll on her. The different time zone was finally catching up. With strands of hair falling from her messy bun, she continued lazily fighting Luke off the bed, finding it funny for now.

However, she would not be finding it funny if she found herself 10 minutes later still trying to move him off.

"Luke," she groaned, now trying to hold an arm down by placing her leg on it. The girls were laughing because they'd just witnessed her talk about how excited she was to sleep tonight, after feeling drained this afternoon. Now she was being held against her will as a certain someone wouldn't move over for her!

Callum had smacked Nas on the head with a pillow and Leanne was tickling Sophie's arm in their bed. Siânnise was already in a deep sleep, just wanting the day to be over already and Paige was finishing off her cup of tea. Ashlyn was now sat at the top of the bed, given up on her fight with Luke and settled sitting on their pillows. Leaning against the soft headboard with kept her eyes closed, Luke held onto her legs close to his face. He and Luke T still held conversation, dismissing the girl nearly on top of him who was really feeling exhausted.

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