09: Get Ready For The Newbies

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ARRIVING BACK TO THE VILLA was like deja-vu from the first time I got back from my first date— which was almost a week ago

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ARRIVING BACK TO THE VILLA was like deja-vu from the first time I got back from my first date— which was almost a week ago. Opening the slide doors to outside, the mixed groups of boys and girls all excitedly waved at us.

"Welcome home!" Shaugnha yelled from the kitchen as Paige made room for us to sit down on a bean bag. Finn patted the spot next to him and I fell down next to him. Paige and Sophie made room for Luke who already took his shirt off from the heat.

"Well, how was it?!" Sophie asked sitting on the grass as Paige placed a hand on my knee. "Better have been no more kissin'." Finn pointed a finger at us both from next to me, and I shook my head with a smile.

"It was smashing." Luke answered genuinely, leaning his upper body on a bean bag. "Honestly."

"So good," I agreed, "It was a jet-ski to whoever said it was, and then a small, kind of barbecue-y–"

"–picnic-y–" Luke added.

"–lunch afterwards. So yeah, it was really lovely. Got to ride about on this beautiful lake–"

"Did you see any dolphins?" Paige asked, and me and Luke shared a questioning look. Were there any dolphins? Had he seen any dolphins? 'Cause I surely hadn't seen any dolphins. Would the producers have let us swim in the water with them? Would they?

"To be honest, I couldn't tell ya, I was too busy looking at the controls." Luke confessed, sharing a laugh with the others.

Everyone continued to chill in the sun for a bit longer, talking of first dates and just enjoying each other's company; having a laugh. Nas had joined me in the kitchen for a cup of tea later on as the sun began to set. That's usually when you'd find us all fitting over daybeds, as it got quite cold in the afternoon.

"So, how are you? How you feeling today?" He asked with a grin and a stir of his tea.
I loved Nas– who didn't love Nas? He was there for everybody. He was just the best.

"I'm good! I've had a fab day today, but what about you?!" I asked, leaning on the kitchen counter. My eyes glanced over to Siânnise for what felt like the 10th time this afternoon.
I hadn't gotten to speak to her since I got back from my date, she hadn't approached me– too busy chatting with Luke T ever since I had left! I didn't mind though, she was upping her game like she'd promised, and really making her move. She wasn't lying when she said she was getting her graft on– I was proud! Yes! Don't hold back, sis.

"Awk, I'm alright, as you know. Kind of just laid about all day– like every day!" He laughed, "haven't got much to do around here."

I tried to hide my pity look for him, but I just couldn't help it! I knew Nas was acting normal in the villa, but you could just tell he was feeling a bit hopeless lately.
He'd been here from the start and had no luck since. Of course, he had Siânnise, but now that was going to change with how things were going with her and Luke. No longer would he be feeling hopeless and, probably, left out, but now also vulnerable to the next re-coupling!

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