08: First Coupled-Up Date

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THE SUN WAS SHINING BRIGHTLY down upon the islanders who were all currently outside, oiled up for the Gods as they tossed and turned in the scorching heat of South Africa

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THE SUN WAS SHINING BRIGHTLY down upon the islanders who were all currently outside, oiled up for the Gods as they tossed and turned in the scorching heat of South Africa. The city was currently going through a heatwave and the islanders were having a hard time coping.

"Jeeeeeez, it is warm." Paige stated obviously, laying flat on a sun lounger next to Finn who like Paige, had his arm covering his eyes.

"Sunglasses aren't doing a good job, are they?" He'd retorted, reaching for his water bottle underneath. "Ash! D'you give me a dodgy pair of specs?!"

"Finn, I know you didn't just call my Dior sunglasses dodgy!" She replied, making the muscular boy chuckle. In the kitchen, she and Shaughna had offered to refill everyone's bottles with cold water or juice, stuffed with ice cubes to keep them cool.
Siânnise was waiting patiently by the pool with Jess, the two dipping their legs in the water as they waited for Ashlyn to join them again.

After the brunette and Shaughna had a laugh in the kitchen, Ash helped pass out everyone's bottles of drink, after the two girls complained about how on edge they felt knowing everyone was drinking room-temperature water in this heat. What freaks! They thought.

When she was done, she came jogging over to the two girls as Shaughna retreated to the sun loungers where Paige was.

"I'm here, I'm here, now fill me in!" Ash exclaimed excited, plotting down next to Siânnise in her bikini. She dipped her legs in the water and motioned for her friend to continue on with her story. "So.. I spoke to Luke last night," she began, already getting the other two excited.

From across the villa, the boys were working out in the gym. Nas was lifting weights, Luke T was on the yoga ball, and Luke M was doing pull-ups on the metal bar.

"So, how'd it go with Siânnise last night?" Mabbott asked, his face hidden under the black 'Rewired' cap on his head. Nas nodded, he wanted to know what was going on too with 2 of his friends. "Yeah, what'd she say to you?" Being coupled up with her, he knew just how much she was bothered by the whole love-triangle thing.

"It was okay. I mean she cried when she was speaking to me," he confessed, looking between the two boys for their reaction to that, and they were surprised! It just showed them how much the whole ordeal was affecting Siânnise. "Wow. Okay."

"And I guess that was enough for me to realize? I mean it confirmed she likes me as much as I like her, and I'm done with trying to make me and Rebecca a thing? As cruel as it sounds, but I've just realized I actually really like Siânnise, and I don't want to be wasting my time either, trying to pursue something I know I'm not feeling 100% about."

"Yeah bro, exactly. Siânnise is clearly into you and is looking to pursue something there. You're gonna have to be straight with Rebecca and tell her."

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