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"We seriously have to learn all this stuff ?" I whined from the other side of the screen.
"I'm sure your big head can handle it", Mak said before going off.
"Mxm, you're lucky I can't slap you right now"

It was currently 11 pm and Mak and I had been revising together for our chemistry test via FaceTime for a good two hours. We always revised together, whether it was at the library or on FaceTime and our sessions are honestly the best. Somehow we manage to get a lot done and still have time to joke around.
Mak and I have been friends since I enrolled at Kingston last year and we've grown to becoming best friends. I don't remember exactly how we met but we've been like peanut butter and jam ever since, just perfect together.

" But I'm serious, it's best we learn this table also, I mean you never know it might show up tomorrow"
"You're right", I yawned, "I'll try go over it tomorrow morning"
"We're good?", he asked.
"Ya we should be, I'll see you tomorrow".

I hang up and made my way straight to bed. Sindi wasn't home yet and even though I would usually wait for her to come back before going to bed, I couldn't wait this time and went straight for the covers.

I woke up with a massive headache and I couldn't find my left school shoe anywhere. I frantically looked around the room, under the bed, inside the closet and in the laundry basket but it was as if it disappeared. Frustrated, I looked in the closet for the last time.
I searched the far back corner where I knew I wouldn't find it but I looked anyway. Removing a few boxes, still with clothing that I hadn't unpacked months ago, I found my mother's hat box, one of the things that she had left for me but I hadn't brought myself to open it. Tempted to open it I stared at it for a while, looking at the little details on its side. The purple, red and pink roses that gracefully laid on it and my name on the top in my mother's handwriting. Temptation almost got the best of me but I immediately shoved it back in the corner that it was in. I wasn't ready to open it. Not today.

After turning the whole room upside down my shoe was still nowhere to be found. I grabbed my black pair of Converse All Stars and headed straight to the kitchen where I found Sindi cooking. Weird. Sindi cooking was a very rare image in this house. We either had take out or I cooked but Sindi never touched the stove.

"And then?", I asked while putting my shoes on.
"When did you get home and why are you cooking all of a sudden?"
"I got home at 1 am. I couldn't sleep so I've been busy in here every since, plus I baked", she said motioning at the Tupperware on top of the breakfast counter.
"Sit down, I made breakfast" she said. Stunned by her actions I did as she said and sat down. She then placed a plate in front of me with scrambled eggs, toast and bacon, all accompanied with a glass of orange juice. It looked really good but you know the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' and that's exactly what I was going to do.
I slowly picked up the fork and placed it in my mouth. Sindi was stared at me with anticipation.
"It's actually not bad", I said taking another bite and she let out a sigh of relief.
"Ah good"
"Why the sudden interest to cook?", I asked taking a bite of the bacon.
"No particular reason" she said trying to force a straight face.
And that's when I knew something was up.


I met Mak at our usual spot at the grandstands where we'd usually meet in the mornings.
"Ah, you're the best", I said as he handed me my coffee.
"Oh and you won't believe who made breakfast this morning and baked", I continued while taking out the Tupperware I filled with Sindi's scones. I handed Mak the Tupperware and he looked inside and back at me.
"Shocking, I know"
"You're sure she didn't poison these"
"I tried one earlier, they're surprisingly good"
He tried one and his face immediately lit up. I then watched him take another bite.
"Are you sure she made these?"
"I couldn't believe it either"
We then went on to testing each other but found it hard to hear each other over the constant cheering from the group of girls next to us.

For the past month every Tuesday and Thursday the senior soccer team has been having morning and afternoon practices in preparation for the approaching semifinals. Every time the soccer team either had a morning or afternoon practice or a home match this specific group of girls would always be there. It was either they were dating one of the players or had a crush on them and was trying to get their attention. *rolling my eyes*

"Aaaahhh babe you were amazing!", Nonhle exclaimed. Her voice honestly makes me cringe. "Thanks babe", Senzo replies as Nonhle wrapped her arms around him, clearly trying to get everyone's attention.

"Let's go somewhere else", I said while making eye contact with Senzo who gave me what I suppose was supposed to be a death stare and I let out a huge chuckle. I must've really gotten on his nerves yesterday.

"What's so funny?", Nonhle asked in irritation.
"Nothing", I replied turning back to Mak who was clearly confused.

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