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"And do you guys know who could possibly be responsible for this?" Mr. Brian asked and I just sat there biting back my tongue to keep from saying something that I would regret. I knew exactly who it was but I knew it was best that Mak pointed him out for himself.

"No, Sir", Senzo replied even though deep down I know he knew it was Bradley. I remained quiet. My head was pounding and all I wanted to do was go home. I was in no mood to talk about this matter or about anything. I just wanted to be alone.

"Melo? Do you have any idea?" Mr. Brian turned to face me and I just shook my head.

..."But Sir, I'm pretty sure you know what this is about" I managed to blurt out before giving him a look of disgust. Had Mr. Brian conducted his investigation about the Andre matter diligently and had punished everyone involved instead of just Andre then this probably would've never happened.

Mr. Brian tried to brush it off but I could see the guilt in his eyes. I couldn't stand being in this office anymore so I just stood up and left. But as I walked out a familiar face furiously barged in.

"Where's my son?" she said and that's when I saw it was Mak's mother, Mme Montsho.

"Calm down, Mrs. Montsho, the situation is being handled"

"I said where is my son?"

"His in hospital right now, we managed to get a hold of his sister who's currently with him"

"Why didn't you call me first"

"We tried but we couldn't get hold of you"

Huh, I wonder why

"You guys are going to pay for what you did to my son" she said and then turned to face me. "Melo." she said with a look of disgust on her face. Mak's mother never liked me and was never afraid to show it. I never liked her either because how much she was a bad mother to Mak.

I just gave her a look and walked out without acknowledging her. I didn't have the time or energy to deal with her. She knew that I didn't like her either so there was no need for me to tell her.

But as I walked out she grabbed my arm, looked me in the eye and said, "I know you know what happened"

I didn't hesitant to stand up to her either and I looked at her right in the eye and said "If you were there for Mak like a mother is supposed to then this could've been avoided. I mean where were you when he had bruises up and down his body or when he got that black eye? Huh? Where were you?" I questioned her in a voice that was loud enough only for her to her. She remained silent and let go of my arm and I left. I didn't know where the bravery to stand up to her like that came from but it had to be done. Someone had to tell her.

I sat alone at the gate as I waited to Sindi to come pick me up. I drifted off into my own world and tried to think of anything but Mak or my mother. All of this happening at the same time was so overwhelming and I felt like I was going to explode. I felt like screaming , I felt like crying, I even wanted to laugh not because this was funny but because of how upsetting everything was.

I took my phone out and looked at the picture Luniko took of me again. I needed to have just one last look at it again not because it was me in that picture but because of just how much I resembled my mother. I let out a huge sigh and tried to hold back tears. I know Senzo said it was okay to cry but I didn't want to cry now. Not yet.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to find Senzo right there.

"Need company?", he asked and I nodded and he sat next to me. We were quiet again. I passed him my phone and showed him my picture.

"Is this you?" He asked and I nodded again. "Wow this is...wow" he said almost like he was out of words.

"I know right. Luniko took it when I wasn't noticing"

He kept quiet for a moment and looked at it like he was analyzing it before he said "You look beautiful" and turned to face me and looked at me straight in the eyes. I was set aback a bit. I didn't know how to take that compliment or how to feel. I shyly looked away. I didn't know whether to say thank you or not.

"You look like your—"

"—Mother, yeah I know" I interrupted and then I took a deep breath. "Tomorrow's her birthday" I managed to blurt out and then I let out a sniffle and the feeling inside me grew more intense. I tried to resist the urge to cry by any means. Again. I didn't want to cry now. Not yet.

"You okay?" He asked and I remained quiet. I was not okay and I knew deep down that it was still going to take a long time before I would be 'okay'. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"This whole thing is ridiculous honestly. Why did this have to happen? Why now of all times in my life? Why me?" I complained and sniffled again.

"It's going to be alright. I'm here for you, don't forget that" he said and rubbed my arm with his thumb.

He took one last look at the picture and I looked at it too.

"Wow whoever made you smile like that must've really made you happy" Senzo said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why do I sense a bit of jealousy over there"

"Oh no, I'm not jealous, I know I can do better ,all I'm saying is, you should smile more. Happiness looks great on you" he said then passed me back my phone.

We then sat in silence and listened to the wind blowing across the courtyard. It looked like it was going to rain. I was just praying it would rain only once I made it home. I hated getting my hair wet. The courtyard was empty because people had already gone home with a few people walking by either from their extra lessons or other things they needed to attend to. But most of the time it was just me and Senzo.

I was comfortable. In this moment, with all the chaos that was happening in my life I was always somehow at ease when I was with Senzo. I didn't feel alone anymore. I literally had someone I could lean on. Senzo made me comfortable and with him I felt like I could forget about everything even if it meant for a split moment.

Our relationship had grown remarkably over the last few weeks and it was starting to scare me just how close we were. I didn't know what all this meant, why I'd feel the way I feel with him.

No, this is all too confusing for me...am I thinking into this too much...what's happening...Senzo is what's happening...Senzo?????

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