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"You're not serious...'Duncan died from poisoning'... Melo you kill tjo" Mak laughed and I shoved him away with my elbow which made him laugh even more.

"It's not funny okay Mak, I haven't read the play yet, you can't blame me for saying that" I said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You're lucky I marked it instead of someone else" he laughed but I didn't care.
"Oksalayo Macbeth killed Duncan, it doesn't matter how he killed him. All we need to know is that uMacbeth ukhohlakele (evil)"

Mak laughed even harder this time tears were running down his face and he gripped his stomach the more he laughed.

"Ah dude... I'll talk to you later, see you on Monday" Mak said and he left. I sat in the courtyard and waited for Sindi to arrive. It was emptier than usual and I presumed it was because it was a Friday and everyone wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Mara poison Melo? *smh*

"No Melo we need to talk about your price" Senzo startled me as he stood in front of me.

"What about it, it's only fair Senzo"

"R80 and hour though"


"Make it 40"

"Uyahlanya(you're crazy), R70 then"

"You won't even be doing that much though, you're just helping me study"

"R60, take it or leave it"

*sighs* "Two hours right?" He asked with his hands on his hip.

"Yes, once a week"

"...Okay fine" he sighed and I nodded then stood up to leave but he stopped me in my tracks.

"Wait... Melo can we meet tomorrow, I have a test on Tuesday"

"Tomorrow Senzo?"

"Yeah I know it's last minute but I need this, please"

Yoh, Senzo knows how to kill someone's vibe...Imagine my Saturday gone down the drain just to spend it with Senzo, Senzo Zulu...Mara it's only two hours, mara two hours is 120 minutes, and that's, what's 120 x 60...That's 7200 seconds...ah ngeke...mara Melo he needs your help...Mxm this is what I get for being such a good person. *rolling my eyes*

"Fine, what time?"

" 12...just so that I have an excuse to leave soccer practice early"


"So my house?"

"No, I don't know you like that...common location."

"Okay where you want to meet?"

"I'll send you the location tonight"

"Okay fine"

"Don't be late" I yelled as I walked away.

"Who was that Sindi asked as I got into the car"

"Nobody important"

"Is this nobody important the same nobody important that was continuously texting you the other day"


"Ah, he's cute"

"Argh sies Sindi, the guy is 17"

"You really like making me sound old, I'm only 28"

"Round that off and you're 30"

"Mxm...what's his name anyway"


"Wait Senzo the one who—"

"Yes him, now can we go"

"He's still cute for a jerk though"


"Hey, don't call me by my full name"...and we drove off.

For the rest of the afternoon the plan was me, my couch and Netflix. Sindi was getting ready for work since she was working late today and that meant I would have the house all to myself, giving me space for some serious self care and self reflection, and by that I meant pizza and Netflix and gaining as many calories as I wanted without shame.

*knock, knock*

"You expecting someone" Sindi asked while putting on her shoes.

"It must be the pizza, they must've forgotten to send a message" I said and opened the door and found Luniko in front of me.

"Hi" he said, scanning my unicorn onesies.

"Oh— Luniko, hi" I said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, you ready to go?"

Ready to go??? Oh gosh I forgot today I said I would be going with him to his shoot...*face palm*

"Oh my gosh I feel so embarrassed, I completely forgot"

"I sent you a dm"

"Oh gosh, I never check my dms, you know there's creepy people out there so..."

"Uhm you still wanna go?"

"Uh...yes I still do, just give me 5 minutes"

"Okay but hurry up, this is supposed to be a sunset shoot."

"Okay, I'll be quick"

"Okay I'll wait out here"

"Or you can come in" Sindi offered and he came in, greeted Sindi and took a seat on the couch.

I ran straight into the bedroom, Sindi not far behind me, and I frantically started looking for something to wear.

"Oh my gosh!" Sindi exclaimed, standing at the door.

"I know, I know...this is exciting for you"

"Finally you have a life"

"Yes finally" I said sarcastically. "Do you mind helping me pick something out?"

"Oh okay" she said and looked through her wardrobe.

I found a black ripped jean that had a rose stitching on its side and a white print t-shirt which Sindi paired with her read sweater and my white All Stars.

"Call me when you come back, Okay?"

"Okay Sindi" and I grabbed my phone, money for emergencies and left the room.

"You ready to go" He asked.

"Yep, let's go"

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