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Nyakallo and I walked into the house and found Sindi slouched on the couch watching the omnibus of a soapie from the past week. She still didn't say a word to me, presuming she was still upset about what happened earlier I decided to give her space and directed Nyakallo to the breakfast counter where I sat and colored in with her until her grandmother finally arrived to pick her up.

After Mam' Gladys left with Nyakallo I started cleaning up the mess Nyakallo and I made while busy making our art when Sindi walked into the kitchen and finally spoke to me.

"I saw you talking to Luniko at the gate when you guys came back" she said sitting on the opposite side of the breakfast counter from where I was standing.

"Yeah" I replied still unsure of where the conversation was going but trying my best to be fragile with the situation.

"I didn't know he was back"

"I didn't know either...well technically he's not back back, he's just here because of some photography thing he's doing here ekasi (in the hood)"

She then let out a huge sigh, looking as if she wanted to say something but was hesitant to say it.

"I know what I said earlier was harsh and I'm sorry for the way things ended, it's just it's hard for me to understand how easy you're finding living without her"

At that moment I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. Thinking back to what she said earlier and what she just said now it felt as if something was stabbing me and I felt yet again the huge lump in my throat. Swallowing the lump I managed to make the stabbing feeling in my chest stop and somehow found just the right words to say to her

"I'm sorry too *sigh* it's just... everything happened so quickly after ma died. It's like I was thrown into the deep end and I had to let go to keep myself from drowning. I'm sorry if my way of trying to move on may have come across as insensitive to how you're feeling."

There was silence for a moment before Sindi pulled me into a warm embrace and gave me a smile that said 'It's all cool'.

The next morning I found Sindi out of bed before me again and heard noises coming from the kitchen.

"You made breakfast again?" I asked, my vision still blurry since I didn't have my glasses on.

"Yep" she said very enthusiastically and continued to do what she was doing.

"I'm trying out some new recipes which I found online, today I'm trying banana pancakes" she continued.

"Argh sies, That sounds disgusting"

"Hey, they're super healthy and make us sound fancy, oh wait I forgot fancy for you is amagwinya nemangola"


"Go shower, I should be done be done in the next 15 minutes so you might as well get ready"

"Get ready for what exactly?" I asked. Usually on Sundays we would stay home and chill in our pjs the whole day, so Sindi asking me to get dressed was very strange.

"We're going out to the farmers market with Rori"

"Aowa(No) you can't be serious. Seems like this Rori is going to be a problem" I said. What Sindi just said was honestly unbelievable. My Sunday gone down the drain for the sake of Rori, who based on my impression of him the first time we met was very rude.

"Come on it's going to be so much fun, Sunday with my two favourite people"

You've only known the man for a month now he's your favourite person. Unbelievable.

I made my way to the couch and made myself comfortable at my usual spot and turned the tv on. I didn't have time for this and didn't want any part of Sindi and Rori's relationship. Imagine me third wheeling, Uhm no thank you.

I could feel Sindi give me a stern stare, a stare that expressed her disapproval of my actions but I didn't care. I didn't want any part of it especially because I didn't trust Rori. Something told me that he had ulterior motives but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

While slouched on the couch I caught up on some of my series that I missed during the week while Sindi finished up making breakfast and went into the bedroom before coming out dressed in a floral dress that I had never seen before, a jean jacket and sneakers she customized herself.

"How do I look?" She asked and I stared at her before giving her a look to show my approval. She fixed up her make up and waved goodbye before leaving while I sat at the breakfast counter and had the banana pancakes she had made which I wasn't a fan of mainly because I wasn't a fan of banana and listed it as one of my least favourite things as a result of childhood trauma.



"I want to be an influencer"

"I don't believe this!" I exclaimed before bursting out laughing with tears in my eyes. Siya had come over to visit after hearing I was home alone and thought it was best to spend the afternoon together.
She continued to explain to me in great detail how she planned on becoming an influencer from gaining followers, brand deals and soon earning money. At first I didn't believe her but after she explained her plans and intentions I started to believe her and her plan sounded pretty solid.

"But that means you're going to need great pictures, good quality you know the whole shebang"

"Ya, I know"

"Hey actually I forgot to tell you, Luniko is back in town, I saw him yesterday and guess this, he's doing photography so maybe you can get him to take your pictures"

"I know"

"And maybe we can be a trio again and--wait what do you mean you know?" I asked, clearly very confused.

"I mean I know he's back and doing photography"

"Okay, how do you know this?"

"He came to see me about three weeks ago"

"Wow, so he came to see you first, three weeks ago"

"Ya, hau...is there a problem?"

"No, there's no problem, I'm just shocked he come to see you first, I mean from that I now know he wasn't intending to see me if it wasn't for yesterday's coincidence" I said and from the sound of my voice you could tell I was clearly upset.

"Ah, come on Melo its not that serious, I don't get why you overthink things so much, maybe he didn't have time"

"Well it's still upsetting, didn't he visit his grandmother or something. I surely would've seen him if he did"

"Even if he did, you're barely out of the house so you weren't going to see him anyway. Wena stop stressing it was probably nothing."

Siya had a point but because of the person that I am it didn't mean I wasn't going to overthink the whole situation. I won't lie I'm touched (offended) that he went to see her first, I mean even though we were a trio before they still weren't close, I mean they didn't even like each other. They were only friends because I was friends with them.

But maybe Siya is right, maybe it was nothing...or maybe it wasn't...aaaaahhh there goes my overthinking self again *smh*

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