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"And that concludes our lesson. Make sure you read through those notes again. Oh, before you guys leave let's give a round of applause to Nonhle for leading our school public speaking team into the semifinals, officially breaking the Kingston curse."


I cannot believe what I've just heard. Nonhle? Leading our team into the finals? The same Nonhle who backed out on doing the captains round yet she's the one to get recognition. Her? And the nerve of Miss Foster to say that in front of me.

Isibindi! (The nerve).

"Well thank you ma'am" Nonhle stood up and said and the class applauded.
I bit my tongue trying my best not to give them a reaction because I knew that's what they wanted. But, I also couldn't  stay and watch them praise themselves for something I did.

As soon as Miss Foster dismissed us I walked out the door trying to be as nonchalant as I could be but you could still feel my frustration.

As I was nearing the water fountain I felt a hand grab my arm and I pulled my arm back before raising my hand to retaliate until I say who it was...

"Calm down, it's just me." Mak said.

"Uhm I'm sorry" I said

"What was that all about?"

"I don't know, it's honestly ridiculous but I'll get over it"

"You want me to walk you to the bus stop, I asked David to pick me up a bit later today so..."

"No it's okay, I'm leaving late anyway. I'm meeting with Senzo, we're doing a project"


"I know it's still shocking to me too"

"Need company?"

"I'll be fine on my own"

"Where are you guys supposed to meet?"

"At the library, if he'll even bother to show up"

"I'll keep you company till then"

Mak and I then went to the library and waited. And waited...and waited.
We waited for a good whole 20 minutes before finally the 'man of the match' decided to show up.

"You can't be serious?"I said as he sat in the chair opposite me without a care in the world.

"What? What's the issue? I'm here aren't I" he shrugged.

"Wow, 'what's the issue' your 20 minutes late and you're asking me what's the issue?"

"And then, you my guy? Why's your boyfriend doing here? I thought this was a project between me and you. Do you even take history bro?"

"This is Mak and no he's not my boyfriend, he was just keeping me company while you were who knows where. I don't even understand why you're questioning me when your the one that's late"

"Hey, loosen up a bit. Stop being so uptight, I just had things to do"

"Excuse me? You had things to do? I'm just wasting my time here, clearly."

Annoyed by how selfish Senzo was being I made my way out and Mak walked me out too. As I got out the gate I heard voice call my name from behind me.

"Melo wait!"

I turned around and found Senzo walking towards me completely out of breath.

Did he run all this way? Weird.

"Uhm I'm sorry, okay?"

"You're so selfish, Senzo. I should be at work right now but I'm here waiting for you"

"You work?"

"Come in Melo, I'll have David drop you off" Mak interrupted.

"Yes, some of us have to work for money Senzo, as if that's any of your business"

"Okay look I'm sorry. Can we please just do this project? Please?"

Wow. Senzo Zulu, begging?

"Fine. Fine but I only have 30 minutes"

"It's fine."

"You'll be good?" Mak asked me and I nodded before giving him a hug goodbye.

We took our seats at the back of the library and I took my files out while Senzo took out his own paper work.

"You actually did the research?" I asked him, shocked to see he actually went and did as I asked him.

"Yes, Melo. You're not the only who wants good marks here"

Time went by very quickly and before we knew it 30 minutes was over. It was a productive 30 minutes and we managed to read over our assignment questions and write down a basic outline of what we were going to discuss in our presentation.

"Okay, that's all right?"


"So, I guess I'll see you on Monday"

"Yes, I'll meet you here at break, don't be late please"

"Promise, I won't"

"Just be here on time okay, don't make any promises"

"Okay I'll be here, on time" he replied with a smile and I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Hey, wait...don't you need a ride?" Senzo offered.

"No thanks I'm fine" and I continued walking away.


"Hey! Snap out of it" I told Siya before walking off to table 4, a table she was supposed to be attending to but instead she was on her phone. Siya has been on her phone since I got here and it was honestly starting to get on my nerves because that meant I needed to tend to her tables.
Siya completely ignored me and continued typing on her phone until Loyiso approached her.

"I'm taking this" Loyiso said and he grabbed her phone.

"Loyiso what's wrong with you?!"

"You're not working that's what's wrong with me"

"Argh, you're such a bore" she complained and returned to her tables.

Walking behind the counter I noticed a familiar face walk in.

"Hi, welcome back" I greeted him with a smile.

"Melo right?"

"Yes, can I help you with anything"

"Can I just have a latte please"

"Sure thing" I replied and showed him to a table.

I walked to the counter and made the latte myself because Scooby was still off.

"And then what's wrong with you" I asked Siya who had a curious expression on.

"This man is here for the third time now, he was here yesterday also"


"So? This is weird, it's the third time in a row that he's here"

"He's probably here for another meeting"

"Yesterday he was here but not for a meeting"

"You're overreacting Siya, this is a public space, it's not like it's restricted to certain people only"

"I don't know girl, I feel like he has an agenda"

"Or maybe he likes working in this type of environment. Stop overreacting Siya, table 6 is still waiting"

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