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Today, I got stuck babysitting Nyakallo again while Mam'Gladys went to church and it was just an absolute nightmare. There was a mess everywhere and I kept on tripping over crayons that she left on the floor.

Couldn't she have stuck her in Sunday school? Bathong.

She went around the house making noise and honestly giving me a headache . Worst part about it, Sindi was not home.

Well there's no surprise there

I sat on the couch with my face in my hands as I came up with a plan on how I would get Nyakallo to calm down. I closed my eyes for a bit, trying to zone out of the world just for a moment and take the time to focus on my breathing and I hadn't realised that my phone was ringing.

"Hello" I answered without checking who it was first.

"Hey, you busy" Senzo asked from the other end of the phone.

Damnit, what does he want?

"Uhm, yes I'm kind of tied up right now, I'm stuck babysitting"

"Oh, that explains the noise. I was just calling because I needed ask about something but I can see you're busy so I'll call you later"

"Or you don't have, we can do it right now"

"You okay, you don't sound that great", he asked and I could hear that he was genuinely concerned

"I just have a headache. Nyakallo, the kid I'm babysitting has been singing the whole day and it's just been a huge mess and I can't even think straight"

"Okay, try drinking water or something with caffeine but avoid taking pain killers,okay? I'm going to FaceTime you so just give her the phone and I'll keep her busy while you rest"

"Ah Senzo, you don't have to do that, I was planning on making her watch something on Netflix to keep her busy"

"It's okay, I don't mind, I'm pretty good with children if I do say so myself"

"But Sen--"

"Just do it Melo, I'm trying to help you out here"

*Sigh* "Fine..."

He hang up then called via FaceTime and I called Nyakallo into the room and she had make up on her face. She was clearly playing around with Sindi's make up.

Yoh,lomntwana(this child) remind me to never to have children.

"Nyakallo, what's on your face"

"Make up, I my mommy also--"

"What were you doing there in the first place, gosh Nyakallo, you know what here, there's a call for you" and I gave her my phone and she spoke to Senzo.

I walked into the room that she was in and found make up stains all over the bedding. She left the lipstick and concealer open and had managed to find Sindi's wigs.

Is Mam'Gladsy sure this child is 6 years old, because she behaves like she's 3.

I cleaned the mess that Nyakallo made while trying to bare this massive headache and honestly after the pain I had endured while managing to clean up, and change the bedding I felt like Superwoman. She was very quiet, so I want to go check up on her and found her seated on the floor, next to the coffee table clearly occupied by Senzo.

"But I don't think that lip stick suits you, you should probably go for a more darker one, you get what I'm saying?" Senzo said

"Yeah, you're right, but do you think KG will like it"

"Who's KG"

"It's this other boy I like in my class"

"How old are you again?"

"Five and a half"

"Yoh, labantwana (these children), you don't even have your front teeth yet and you're already liking boys, you should stay away from boys, they're dangerous"

"But, you're a boy"

"Yes, and you should stay away from me too"

I stood at the doorway and laughed to myself as I watched this interaction take place between the two of them. It was actually fascinating to watch. I headed into the kitchen to get a glass of water and took a huge gulp before refilling it again. I then walked back into the room and instructed Nyakallo to pick up her crayons and put on her shoes while I spoke to Senzo.

"Thank you" I said and he smiled before saying, "You're welcome"

"So what was it that you wanted to know"

"Oh, I forgot, must've been because I was you know busy with Nyakallo, did you do what I told you"

"I didn't really rest 'cause I was cleaning up the huge mess Nyakallo did in the bedroom"

"Oh I remember what I wanted to say now, I actually wanted to ask you about the project, seeing that it's due this Friday, I wanted to know when we would meet again to practise our presentation"

"Oh ya, I actually have work this week, so we might have to do it at break, oh and I had this idea, how about for the presentation you wear the headband thingy..."


"Yes, that's the one, that's if you have one"

"I don't but my dad does, I'll make a plan to bring it then"


"Melo, I'm done, now can I talk to Senzo" Nyakallo asked and I handed her the phone and they carried on with their conversation while I laid on the couch.

An hour had passed since Mam'Gladys came to pick up Nyakallo and after she saw the make up on her face she knew she had been trouble and insisted on paying me for the 2 hours I was babysitting.

Should I give Senzo his share too...hayi it's my money, I had to deal with the nightmare alone, all he did was talk.

As I closed my eyes to take a little nap Sindi stormed in and her face was drenched with tears and mascara.

Yoh, don't tell me it's--

"Rori dumped me" she cried as she threw herself on the couch.

Ya, I knew it...

I tried to act empathetic with her but I couldn't help but mention that I saw this coming. I mean she started doing things that she would not do before. This sudden interest of her's was so drastic and out of the blue I knew she was just doing it to impress him.

*Sigh* "What happened?" I asked as I placed her head on my lap.

"We were having a disagreement about gender roles and it got heated because I disagreed with most of his remarks, basically he insulted me and told me it was over."

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I'll be fine, I'm glad he broke up with me, talk about toxic masculinity"

"I'm proud of you for standing your ground"

"Me too... I'm never cooking again. I hated it, I don't even know why I did that in the first place." She complained and I let out a light chuckle.

"Glad to know the old Sindi is back"

"Uhm let me save my tears because he's not worth them" and she wiped her tears and walked into the bedroom.

"Uhm Melo, there's something you need to see"

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