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For our entire shift Siya and I hadn't said a word to each other and I honestly thought that it was ridiculous. She was on her phone as usual and instead I was the one having to serve her tables too. I don't understand why Loyiso still keeps her when all she does is keep busy on her phone. It's annoying.

Our shift ended quite early seeing that the cafe wasn't too busy today so we could leave early. That was a bonus for me because I had so much homework that I needed to do and I still needed to sit and organise my debate arguments for tomorrow's meeting. While gathering my things in the locker room my lip balm fell out of my bag to Siya's foot.


"Siya do you mind passing my lip balm, please" I asked and she just stared at me and kicked the lip balm to the other side of the room.

Woooooow *rolling my eyes* ...This is why I don't have many female friends...girls love drama

Her pettiness is really going to make me reach my breaking point. I mean aren't I supposed to be the one that's mad at her, not the other way around. But because I'm not the type of person who likes drama I'll just let her be.

I don't have the time or energy for this.



I continued to present my arguments to Mak and the more I said the more I started to believe in them and the more I believed in them the more it flowed. Judging from Mak's facial expressions I could tell that he was quite impressed and after the misery I went through trying to figure everything out I was feeling super confident that this round I was going to take it.

"I'm glad you took my advice and found a way to manipulate the issue. No one will be able to oppose the arguments that you make and that's 'cause you're coming from an angle that no one expects, I'm really impressed."

"Thank you but I can't take all the credit, an unexpected somebody helped me realise the thing I had been doing wrong this whole time and actually helped me with some of my research."

"Oh and who is this somebo--"

"Hey, Melo!" Senzo yelled in the distance as he ran towards us and I watched Mak sigh and put his head in his hands.

"What's up Senzo?" I asked as he stood in front of me looking so jovial he couldn't even stand still.

"I got my test mark back"

"So quickly?"

"Ya, Mr Robinson is usually quick with the marking. All I'm going to say is I'm coming over this Saturday for that movie"

"Let me see that mark" and he showed me his test paper. 76%, after this I need to charge him more

"So what time should I come through, seeing that I've done my end of the bargain, you need to do yours"

Yoh he's serious.

"What bargain is this, actually what's going on here, since when are you two friendly?" Mak asked. I kept quiet seeing that it's best that Senzo answer just in case I say something that he didn't want Mak knowing.

"She's just helping me out with some studying, Mr Neilson's idea"... Eh liar.

"And we made a deal that if he got 70% then I would invite him over to watch a movie with me"

"Oh, okay" he replied and I could tell that he was still a bit skeptical.

"The debate is this Saturday but you can come afterwards I guess"

"Okay, you'll me know what time then, should I bring anything?"

"No, don't worry about it"

"Cool" and then Senzo was gone.

"Yoh I didn't think he'd be that serious about the movie" I told Mak.

"You should've thought about that before you made this deal" he laughed as he shook his head in disbelief.


"Nonhle your points lack substance"

"And yours lack substantial evidence"

"I don't even understand the point you're trying make, you're giving the opposition so much to work with, there's nothing in your statements that they can contradict"

"Okay enough!" Miss Foster interrupted. Nonhle and I had been going back and forth for most of our meeting today and that's all because 'Miss know-it-all' couldn't take criticism especially criticism coming from me, someone she regards as her 'inferior'. The thing about Nonhle is that she hates correction and being proven wrong but unfortunately for her she can't be right all the time and she was going to have to take the correction whether it came from me or Miss Foster . If we allowed Nonhle to go up there with the arguments that she just brought we would be allowing her to make a mockery out of us and I was not going to allow that to happen, not after how far we've come.

"I'm happy with both of your arguments, I don't see anything wrong with either of them so I don't understand what all this fuss is about", Miss Foster said and honestly I'm not surprised that she said that. I mean she eats out of Nonhle's mother's pocket, so there's no surprise why she would lie if it meant her being able to afford to pay off that fancy car of hers every month.

I don't care really, Nonhle is on her own on Saturday. If it means that I have the responsibility to get our team more points to secure a spot in the finals then so be it. But when everything backfires on Saturday Miss Foster is going to regret not having said anything. She's still yet to feel Nonhle's mother's wrath.

For the rest of the meeting we through around some points that we thought the opposition would most probably come with so that we had an answer for all of them and knew where to discredit them. Nonhle was not much help. She always had something to say about the points that I thought they would bring up and I honestly didn't understand what her issue was. The fact of the matter was no matter how many points that Nonhle tried to disregard the fact remained was there was a high chance that the opposition was going to mention them.

You see whatever Nonhle is going for it's not working shem and I think the pressure is getting to her that's why she's acting like this.
She feels the pressure to prove herself as a captain and taking from the vibes that she was giving me she probably feels threatened by me.

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