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Our room was in a state. There was clothing everywhere and it was an absolute mess. I had told Sindi about my lesson with Senzo tomorrow and she got overly excited and started ransacking the place trying to find a perfect outfit for me to wear because she said there's the possibility his parents could be home and I needed to make a good impression for my 'potential in-laws'. Sindi can be ridiculous at times and this was one of those times. Who said I'd be getting married to Senzo or anyone for that matter. Sindi was blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Senzo is just teaching me how to ride a bike, nothing serious is happening.

Sindi has been on my case about Senzo since she met him the day I invited him over for the movie. She started making jokes about how she'd lead my lobola negotiations if we ever decided to get married and made both me and Senzo uncomfortable.

"You know how many people get married to their high school sweethearts, for all you know you've probably met your husband" she winked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not his 'high school sweetheart', Nonhle is"

"Nonhle? Nonhle from debate?"

"Yes her" I said while combing my hair.

"Yoh, I thought Senzo had better taste" she said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"She's not bad Sindi. You actually won't believe what she did"


"She invited me to her birthday party next Saturday"

"Woah, that's strange"

"I know. She invited me as a way to say thank you for what I did for her at the debate"

"Her dad probably put her up to it. He's got a liking for you"

"Or maybe he's got a liking for you, I mean you look like someone he knows"

"Hey Melo don't start"

"Nawe don't start" I clapped back and she continued to ransack the place.

She was looking for a jean skirt she said she bought a few years back but never wore.It turns out that the skirt wasn't in her size and she forgot to return it and she had convinced herself that she didn't return it for a reason, because one day I would need it.I sat on the bed and watched her. I wasn't going to help her look for something knowing deep down that I didn't want it found. Like what's wrong with my normal outfits?. I could just rock up at Senzo's house with a shirt and jeans if I wanted to. I'm not trying to make an impression anyway. As long as I was comfortable. I scrolled through Instagram before getting a message from Senzo containing the details he said he would send me. I obviously wasn't going to open the message immediately because I didn't want him to think I jump every time he sends a message. Like yoh my pride wouldn't allow that so I continued to scroll through Instagram until I came across a picture of Luniko and Siya together. This obviously meant that they were official and to be quite honest I was happy for them. They actually looked great together. I liked the picture even though it was on Siya's account and her and I were still not on speaking terms but like I said, I'm a civil person. I don't have time for drama. I scrolled through Instagram for a bit after that until I was frightened by a shriek from Sindi.

"I found it" she said holding it up.

Great, just what I needed.

She held it up in her hands as she admired it. It was black and ripped on it's ends. It had paint splattered on it in neon colours and I was guessing that was it's style. It didn't look bad but I've never been a fan of skirts. I preferred wearing jeans and that was it.

"Try it on" she said and I tried it on hoping that it wouldn't fit but..."Ah, it's perfect" she shrieked and jumped up and down in excitement.

"It fits your shape perfectly. You can top this with that other white over sized shirt we got and you can like tuck it into the skirt and you can pair this whole out fit those other white sneakers you got for your birthday and then wa-lah, you've got a great outfit to wear to Senzo's"

"Great." I said sarcastically.

I helped Sindi clean up the mess before finally opening Senzo's chat.


"Should I bring something maybe, I mean it's only proper etiquette" I asked Sindi as she braided my hair into a cornrows.
"I don't know. We could stop by the shop and get something on our way there" she said as she continued to braid my hair.

I was low key nervous about today and felt a huge lump of regret at the bottom of my stomach but I keep to my promises no matter how hard they are. I repeatedly told myself that it was okay and that I'd get through it but the nerves just kept building up. I've never really been to someone's house who I know from school before. Whenever Mak and I wanted to hang out we'd meet somewhere and hang out there but never at his house.

After Sindi braided my hair I got dressed. We went back and forth about the outfit but after trying it on I thought I actually looked good in a skirt and the outfit actually looks nice. I put on my mini hoop earrings and grabbed my bag and headed out.

We waited at the gate and were already amazed by the houses in Senzo's estate and could only imagine how his house looked behind these gates. The gates opened and we drove in and were completely in awe of Senzo's house. It was huge and literally a glass house on a hill. We drove up the huge steep and I didn't know how long Sindi's car would hold because it was starting to become a mission getting it up the steep slope.

"Melo if you don't marry him then I will" Sindi said as she finally got the car up the hill and was taking in the view of the house.

"Sindi don't say that"

"Does a have an older brother maybe?"

"Argh you're not serious" I rolled my eyes as Senzo got out of the house and approached us.

We got out the car and he greeted Sindi then me.

" Hmmm, some house you've got over here, your family must be swimming in money" Sindi said.

"Ah we okay" he said and I rolled my eyes. This was far from 'Okay' this was pure luxury. This was how the elite lived.

"So how much we talking for the lobola because my family and I are not taking anything less than R100000" She said and felt my face going red and my eyes widening in disbelief as I cleared my throat and told Sindi that it was probably time she left.

"No Melo I'm being serious. I need to ask these questions phela"

"Bye Sindi" I waved as she got into the car and started the engine.

"Have fun" she smiled and waved goodbye from out the car window before driving away.

I stood there feeling awkward because of how awkward Sindi made the situation and at this point I was regretting not have going with his initial idea to meet at school first.

"Wanna come in?" He asked before directing me into the house.

Ya neh, at this point there's no turning back.

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