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When the door finally burst open, I was too distracted to even look its way.

A rough grip around my injured arm tore a scream out of me, loosening my hold around the gun before it fell to the floor. I came right back to reality, the sound of gunshots and blaring alarms filling my ears.

Sasha yanked me to my feet, passing a disgusted look at the unconscious Irish on the ground. "How the hell does a little girl manage to overpower a mountain? Today's your lucky day, princess. Guess who's here to save the fucking day?"

"Shayne," I said, relief and exhilaration overwhelming me.

Sasha started to drag me away, worsening the pulsating pain around my arm. But I swallowed my agony, not wanting Shayne to see me hurting in any way.

At the door stood the blue eyed woman I'd seen earlier. She appeared unbothered by the commotion going on around us, casually leaning against the door frame.

"You're getting us out of here, Ashford." Sasha said to Blue Eyes, now Ashford.

"My job was the girl, not you. I'm sure you'll be alright, Ms. King." The tight-lipped smile did nothing but chill my bones, even with the help of the balmy English accent.

Sasha pulled me back when Ashford tried to reach for me. "Well, you have new orders now. Take us out of here or else you won't get what you want. It's all up to you," Sasha said, her tone hard and shaky.

A bolt of anger flashed through her gaze, but she remained calm. "Alright." She leaned into Sasha's face. "But if at any point you become a liability, I won't hesitate to dispose of you."

"Fair enough. Now mind doing your job?"

Ashford seized my arm, but I yanked on it. My attempt did nothing to alter my captor's strong hold or fluid stride. I was running dangerously low on energy. 

"You don't actually believe you're gonna leave this place, do you? The building is probably surrounded and a chopper would be a stupid idea."

"Who said anything about a chopper, genius?" Sasha said, speaking in the most demeaning tone I'd ever heard.

"Then what do you plan on doing?" Just as I spoke, we reached a pair of elevator doors that alternated between two floors, if the floor numbering above them was any indication. We must have been going to the roof.

None of them answered as we got into the shaft. A sense of panic hit me, afraid that I wouldn't get another chance to escape.

I closed my eyes in readiness to attempt the pinnacle of idiocy. But just as I opened my eyes, Shayne appeared in front of the elevator. Her gun was aimed at Ashford, laser-eyed focus tensing her facial features.

I was so unprepared to feel her so close, my vision blurred for a moment. "Baby," I said, my voice thick with emotion. I was bone-tired and ready for her to take me into her arms.

She spared me a glance, faltering for the slightest of moments as pained eyes took me in.

However, that was all Ashford needed to raise her gun to my head, catching us off-guard, even Sasha.

But Shayne came together quickly, her brows furrowing down. "If you'd wanted her dead, you'd have already done that. Clearly we're on the same side here. So just give her to me and we'll both be on our way."

"Thanks for the offer, but I've got a job to do."

"And I've got a clear shot, so think twice."

"No need," Ashford said with a sense of finality before shoving Sasha out of the shaft and pushing the button.

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