You're Hurting Me

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Shayne's POV

I still hadn't gotten my Jeep from Kira.

It had been three days. And if she expected me to follow her ass, then she had a lot of thinking to do.

I had to drive to the funeral with my Lincoln. It was always parked at work. I hardly ever used it, but since Kira had decided to try my patience, I had to use it instead.

And as much as Christina's grandmother disliked me, I still felt horrible about her death.

But it didn't take away the sexual frustration I'd been feeling for the past three days.

The anger I was feeling was indescribable. I was mad at everything.

So you can just about imagine how pissed I was when some random woman just walks up to me and says the dumbest thing.

"Your appearance says everything about your driving, young man."

I didn't even bother to correct her last word. I preferred to keep my anger to myself.

So I just decided to ignore her until...

"You almost hit me and my daughter. I can have you arrested for..."

I lost track when she pointed behind her and showed me this daughter she spoke of.

It was deep anger that attacked my system first.

Anger at myself for feeling the sexual frustration violently course through out my body.

I literally shuddered.

And much more anger at noticing the significant difference between now and three months ago.

Where the fuck had all those curves come from? And damned as I was, they were natural as fuck.

Why the hell hadn't she gained weight? Why hadn't she somehow become an ugly duckling?

"Damn," I said dazedly as I watched her walk away.

"Oh no, don't even think about it."

The spiteful woman snapped her fingers in front of my face several times before I was able to look back at her.

"My daughter would never even look at someone with the likes of you. You can stare all you want though," the woman said before gracefully walking away.

From what I remember three months ago, her daughter had done most of the staring.

But this time, it seemed it would be me doing most of it.

I had to talk to her. I had to tell her to stay away, to scuttle back into whatever spa she had been hiding in.

So after greeting several people, and exchanging condolences, I sat on the exact bench she was sitting on. The very last bench.

Unlike her mother, who had somehow found herself in the front.

She didn't even seem to notice me. The raven-haired girl was too focused on her phone.

Apparently, upside down screens was the new trend.

Despite the amusement that threatened to bubble out, I was still seething. Still angry at her and myself.

I was angry at my failure to look away from the way those long legs looked crossed over each other. The way the hem of her fitting dress hitched higher, exposing a smooth and creamy inner thigh.


She had to disappear. Again. This time a lot more than just three months.

I asked the woman beside me if we could exchange seats. Despite the hesitation, the woman kindly moved.

I regretted it as soon as I sat right next to her. Her floral scent-just as seductive and sweet as I remember-reached my nostrils.

I'm so screwed.

She was very tense, frighteningly so.

I leaned into her side. "Are you okay?"

The quiet gasp that escaped her lips immediately amplified my need. I almost couldn't see straight with the fog of want that formed.

Just as soon as people began to file towards the front to formally pay their respects, she stood up from her seat.

But instead of walking to the altar, she went the opposite direction and went out the doors.

I didn't hesitate to get up and follow her.

This time she wasn't getting away that easy. It was either she did or I'd go mad.

I immediately caught up with her in the empty parking lot.

I bravely grabbed her waist-mid stride-and pinned her against my side.

"What the..." she squeaked as I dragged her along, towards my car.

She tried to push away from me but failed miserably.

"Let me go."

Oh how I'd missed that sweet voice.

When I felt her left breast press into me, I let go of her waist and dragged her by her arm instead.

No need to tease myself.

"You're hurting me, Shayne!" she snapped at me.

She roughly tagged on her arm as we stopped at the Lincoln. It wasn't effective enough to free herself.

But it was effective enough to irritate me.

So I swiftly pressed her up against the dark car, gently.

I didn't expect myself to fall speechless once I made actual eye contact with those beautiful greens.

The little black veil did nothing to hide the beauty behind it.

Lush and naked pink lips. Long and elegant eyelashes. The beautiful upturned nose. Stunning almond-shaped green eyes that put the Amazon itself to shame.

My eyes travelled down to that long and graceful neck.

I wonder where her weak spot is...

If I wasn't careful, a lot could happen in the parking lot.

Then I felt a pang of shame at realizing where we were.

"Get in the car," I said, tearing my gaze away from those very kissable lips.

"W-why?" she stuttered.

That mouth of hers was getting very distracting.

"Just get in. Unless you want your mother to see you with the barbaric driver who almost killed you," I said as I saw a few people step out of the chapel.

She bit on her bottom lip in nervousness. Probably dreading such a scenario.

Okay, but she didn't have to torture me with that lip thing.

"Where a-a-are we even g-going?"

Her stuttering was the cutest thing ever.

"Don't worry. We just need to talk."

I opened the passenger door for her, damn near losing my patience until she gracefully climbed in.

"Would you j-just tell me where w-we're g-g-going?" she said once I got in from the other side.

Seriously, the girl was a stuttering mess, and I absolutely loved it.

I abruptly turned to her, my eyes lowering to that full mouth.

"We're going to sit and have a chat. Then you can tell me why you won't stop tormenting me in my sleep."

This chapter was a dedication to littlebabygirl5. For giving me more confidence than I let myself have. Thank you.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. A comment or two would be really great.

Bye, lovelies.

You Distract MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora