Not An Update

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This update is just for you to know how well you've followed the book. So I've set up some questions, and if you feel you're confident with your answers, good for you. And if you're not sure, you're welcome to ask.

#Where's Olly's Dad?

#Where's Shay's grandmother?

#What happened to Olly and Christina's friendship?

#Who's Lorraine?

#Who's Sasha?

#Who's Kira?

#Who's Althea?

#Who do you think the woman who'd interrupted Shay and Olly's steamy moment in the traffic was?

#What crisis is happening to Shay at the moment, and what's the cause of it?

#What's Shay's company's name? What type of company is it?

#What's the name of Olly's weird neighbor?

#Where did Olly and Shay first meet?

#How would you describe Olly's relationship with her mom?

#Who's Olly ex-boyfriend? How was their relationship? (If you know what I mean)

#How's Olly coping without her dad?

#What are the names of her current friends? Which one is your favorite?

#What was her doctor's diagnosis when she was hospitalized?

#What stereotype was Olly in highschool?

#What secret life do you think Shay has?

#Who's Gideon Pierce?

#What are the reasons people love going to the cafe that's shared by the two companies in the same building?

#Where does Olly work?

#Did she want to work there? And what did she get in exchange for working there?

#Shay and Olly's eye colors? Who's eyes do you imagine to be more attractive?

#How many times have they met? And where?

#Who's Jason Long?

#What does Olly's mom think of Shay?

#Has Olly figured out her sexuality? What's her verdict?

#What are the brands of Shayne's cars? Which one does she usually use?

#What brand is Kira's car? Color?

Please tell me if I've left out anything.

My intention wasn't to express doubts about my readers or to insult anyone's intelligence. It's just that I felt I'd made a few mistakes in some chapters. This was for you yourself to feel proud and all caught up, you don't need to tell me your progress, it's completely optional of course.

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