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Olivia's POV

The weather looked incredibly ferocious. It looked about ready to pour down its wrath.

And as my mother parked her flashy, yet unpretentious white Audi, I looked out the window at the towering church. Its intimidating high windows and dark shadows casting upon itself due to the absence of much needed light made the whole picture much more dramatic.

"Don't you want to apply maybe just a little bit of lipstick?" my mother asked.

I turned to find her checking out her makeup in the rearview mirror. If there were an article on funeral attire, I'm pretty sure outstanding makeup would be under the don't list.

Not that she looked like a rainbow themed showgirl, but maybe the bright red lipstick was a little too over the top for a funeral.

But otherwise we both dressed the part of chic and glamorous grievers. The all black outfit; body fitting respectful elegant dresses, classy platformed stilettos, shawls to provide immense respect, and finally, the classic dark veils that oozed with sheer chic and some more respect.

"No, thank you, mother," I said.

"Oh well, you're lucky you're young and a natural eye stopper." The way she said it didn't even sound close to a compliment, but more like the mere truth. Traits of my mother that you just had to get used to.

When we stepped out of the Audi, the first thing I saw that I hadn't noticed before was a very large portrait put up next to the massive entrance of the church.

It was Christina's grandmother.

My heart clenched a little at the thought of what Christina might be going through. I wondered if she needed me at the moment. But it probably wasn't the case since it was Christina's mother who had called my mother, and I'd just been an extra to attend the funeral.

As we started to move across the parking lot, it was no secret that we attracted plenty of attention. What with the fact that probably almost every one attending the funeral must have been there for the year's barbeque highlight three months ago.

Which was the main reason why my mother made sure to look the part of glamorous and independent, despite the fact that her husband had been arrested for a heavily charged felony. And there had been plenty to witness the scandal.

Before I knew it, a dangerously moving large and black object appeared from the corner of my eye.

I only had a few split seconds before I was able to move out of the way so I wouldn't get smashed by what I now realized to be an impressive looking Lincoln Navigator.

"Is he blind?" my mother said, semi-shocked. I didn't even blame her for the sexist remark since we hadn't had the chance to figure the sex of the driver; because we both assumed it was a man.

The dark vehicle parked a few cars down away from where we stood. Which meant I could clearly see whoever was going to step out of it.

"You know what, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," my mother said as she started to power walk towards the car, while I stayed put.

Then the door to the SUV opened, and the driver stepped out...

Tall and lean; the black long sleeved button down shirt looking formal yet casually sexy and the black slightly loose skinny jeans fitted attractively to lean and strong long legs.

An intimidating jawline. Gorgeous high cheekbones. A sexy and sensual mouth. And the eyes...mmmm...the eyes. Lasciviously narrow and hazel, a sexy combination that was able to cause my heart to skip several beats.


And for some goddamned reason, she looked ten times sexier in person than I remember.

But her long and wild hair was gone, and it was replaced with such a sexy haircut that I was tempted to run over and run my fingers through the short curls.

It took me a while to notice my mother had now reached her, and for some reason the gorgeous masterpiece looked pissed; the slight flare of her perfect and strong nostrils told me so. And the way her perfectly straight dark brows furrowed down told me that my mother had probably already said something snarky.

Then my crafty mother—god bless her soul—had the audacity to point behind her, her thumb directed towards me, and before I knew it, those intimidating eyes found mine.

The way my breath hitched was alarming. The way my heart catapulted in its confinement was alarming. The way my legs almost gave way under me was alarming. And the way I felt my face heat up to such a heightened temperature was alarming.

But nothing was more alarming than the scowl that was sent my way.

It held so much ferocity that I didn't even care for my ego when I subtly bolted towards the church, definitely feeling that hazel gaze burn into my back as I skillfully speed walked in my high heels.

Once I was safely inside the church, most certainly having many eyes on me, I immediately found a seat in the back where I wouldn't grab too much attention.

I decided to distract myself—but barely—with my phone as people continued to fill the church. I made sure to keep my eyes on the screen no matter what.

Even when I heard that familiar husky voice—unfortunately causing delicious tingles all through out my body—I still sat frozen in my seat.

When I heard the sudden silence of the church, I decided it was time to look up, and when I did, everyone was settled, the Reverend taking his place at the stand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are all gathered here to celebrate the life of Pamela Wilson; a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a friend..."

The Reverend continued while I unfortunately got distracted with trying to locate my mother from where I sat. And when I did, I found that she was at the very first bench, no doubt picking that one in particular to attract all the attention in the world.

I looked along the bench and found Christina's mom, Christina's dad, Abigail and Christina herself. And other people I couldn't recognize.

Then my eyes began to locate someone else, but when that particular someone was no where in sight, I gave up.

But I had heard her voice...unless...

I hadn't looked at the bench I was sitting on.

On both my sides were women I didn't know at all. But I hadn't bothered to notice anyone past them...until now.

By the time I did, it was too late, the woman on my right was standing up briefly to exchange seats with someone else. I closed my eyes in a panic to find a way to breathe again, because somehow the process was lost on me.

But then that all too familiar woodsy lavender scent immediately enveloped me, and I nearly moaned.

Someone save me.


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