Evil Baby Ninjas

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I am so so sorry, guys, for keeping you waiting. I'd give an excuse, but it probably wouldn't be acceptable, even I know you've waited too long for this chapter.

I'm also sorry that I wasn't able to reply to some of the comments, which were all so amazing, funny and motivational. Shout out to those amazing beings. I'll try to be better at responding like a respectable human should.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and please vote and comment as much as possible.😘😘

Oh, and just a little warning, dramatic situations might occur here onwards. It's bye-bye kinda realistic 'You Distract Me' and hello realistic/OMFG! 'You Distract Me'.



As soon as the bloody package was out of sight and away from Olivia, I made a few calls.

"I'll be there in the next hour, for now I just need you to do that for me. I've already called the others."

"No problem." Sasha paused on the other end of the line. "Is she okay?"

"She's a little shaken up, but I think she'll be good. I'll send someone up to watch her while I'm away." Even as I stood out of earshot in the kitchen, I could see Olivia staring blankly out the large paneless window of the living room.

She still looked fuckable as hell.

Her hair was a glorious mess, her lips swollen from the onslaught of my hungry mouth and one of the straps of her little top had fallen down her arm, exposing the delicious swell of her breast.

Jesus Christ! Now isn't the time, Shayne!

But despite her obvious appeal at the moment, her delicious honey skin tone had gone completely white.

I needed to hold her.

As soon as I ended the call, I came up behind her. At first I was unsure of what to do, probably too afraid she'd reject me for some reason. But then she leant back into me.

We simultaneously let out a sigh of contentment before I wrapped my arms around her. She was so cold.

"You okay?" I asked.


"You sure?"

She abruptly turned in my arms and caused exquisite friction with the movement. Maintaining direct eye contact, she said, "I'm fine, but even if I wasn't, what difference would it make?"

I was ready to sooth the poorly hidden terror in her eyes, when she reached for the back of my neck and pulled me down to her waiting mouth.

Just like that, I forgot everything that had happened in the last few minutes. Desire instantly engulfed me.

I slid my tongue into her mouth and swallowed her moan. Fuck! I'd tasted her not long ago, and I still felt like I had been starved of her taste.

When her fingers slipped through my hair and gave a firm tug, I lost it. With an inhuman growl, I dropped my hands to her full ass and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist while I tried to get us to the sofa.

I threw her onto the plush surface and practically ripped off my tank top, leaving me in a black sports bra—hot molten need almost making me see white.

But then I saw her start to unbutton her jeans, her hungry eyes never leaving my body. I even had the pleasure of seeing the lining of her white lace panties before I reached for her hands and stopped her actions.

You Distract MeWhere stories live. Discover now